
12th grade

Research questions

  • How does Cuba report news to citizens?
  • How do Cubans access news?
  • How does the way they get their news and what they receive impact the way Cubans view the world?
  • What’s the future of how Cuba writes its stories and how they report them?

How was your trip?

Visiting Cuba was an experience that I am so glad that I had. Cuba is one of the few places that you definitely have to visit more than once. Before I went to Cuba, my research gave me this idea of Cuba being someplace that is just filled with tension where there are restrictions on everything, especially when it came to freedom of speech. I honestly didn't know what I'd expect to get out of this trip at the end. I really didn't know if I would get enough information for my research project given what most people were telling me about Cuba.

When I finally did get to Cuba, I saw that this was a country that was very different from what I researched. Cuba was a beautiful country and the people were very open and tried to make sure that they were honest with us about what it was like to live there. The more that I got to interact with people, the more I began to understand. There are definitely issues that need to be addressed, and there is work to be done. Despite that, I saw that Cuba was a country that is in the midst of change. With the US starting to repair its relationship and the embargo potentially lifting in the near future, nobody has a clear idea of what the future holds for Cuba. That's what makes this whole transition a unique opportunity for Cuba. This country has the ability to set an example for real positive change. I loved every moment of my trip, and I will definitely be coming back.


I cannot even begin to express how grateful I am for all of the donations and the people that supported us along the way. I believe that to understand the world and people that come from different cultures, you have to travel so you can experience it first hand. Going to Cuba has strengthened this belief for me. It has given me the confidence to travel even more as I get older. Cuba was an experience that will stay with me for a long time, and it wouldn't have been possible without our supporters.