Day 9 Thursday, April 6

Our final day was a whirlwind walking tour of Havana Vieja with a stop for coffee at the home of Maritza and Titi who taught us about the casas particulares system on Tuesday. They rent out two rooms in their home to tourists. They pay the equivalent of $100/month to the government in order to be able to have this business which is very popular in Cuba. After our caffeine boost, we souvenir shopped at Almacén San José by the port, before catching our flight home from Jose Martí airport. We were supposed to arrive home Thursday 10pm; however, as a result of multiple delays (first in Havana, then in Atlanta) and multiple cancellations, we ended up getting split up across 3 different flights. The last group of us to get to PHL arrived the next day (Friday) at 5:30pm. The experience was an exercise in patience. Sopheary was the only one who got a good night's sleep on the floor of the Atlanta airport (it's her gift). Despite the airport fiasco, we are all still high on our field study in Cuba and are eager to share our experience with our friends and family.

Tour of Havana Vieja

Saying goodbye to our bus driver, Billy

Group shot with our guide, Jo, at Jose Martí International

Sleeping at the airport is never fun