
11th grade

Research questions

  • What is Cuba's healthcare system like?
  • What programs do they offer?
  • How is healthcare free?
  • What health related issue is most prominent in Cuba? What is the rate of STIs?
  • Do rural areas receive as much access to healthcare as more populated areas would?
  • What are their policies on and perceptions about abortion and birth control?

How was your trip?

I thoroughly enjoyed my short stay in Cuba. The words eye-opening, unforgettable, lively, and inspiring don't give a full picture of how awesome the trip was. We were able to learn about Cuba's education, healthcare, housing, agriculture, economy, architecture, technology, and how it is developing. We learned about their culture along the way through the professionals we met and the locals. We witnessed first-hand very kind, humble, proud, united, diverse, and lively people who you would never be able to learn as much about through research alone. During the time leading up to our field study, we did extensive research on Cuba and were given presentations by other Philadelphians who shared their knowledge about Cuba to us. The media perpetuates the same negative, fragmentary narrative about Cuba's oppressive rule. Having been able to actually visit the country and talk to Cubanos profoundly broadened my understanding of it. I was surprised to see that they had a lot of things right that the U.S. can take a few notes on. They have political prisoners, their infrastructure needs improvement, and medical equipment is limited, but every nation has some problems they can work on and Cuba is in a pretty good place compared to the rest of the world, if you ask me. Many people with solely negative preconceived notions about their government have not been thoroughly educated. They should go to Cuba to see it with their own eyes. Cuba is a functioning socialist nation that hasn't been commercialized or tainted by capitalism and I am incredibly grateful to have had the chance to witness and fall in love with it during this pivotal point in its history.

I want to express my gratitude towards the generous donors who made this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity become a reality. Thank you for supporting our education, it was definitely a unique learning experience that will be impossible to forget. To the teachers who were flexible with assignments, I really appreciate it! The trip would not have been the same without all of the presenters who were willing to share information with us and be honest when answering all of our questions. Special shout-out to Joseti, our Cuban guide, for instilling us with a ton of Cuban facts and always keeping it real. None of this would be possible without Srta. Manuel, Ms. Jonas, and Ms. Sessa who started this amazing program in our school. Thank you to the Principals for allowing it to happen!