
12th grade

Research questions

  • How is Havana’s climate different from Philadelphia’s?
  • How did the embargo affect carbon emissions/the climate?
  • What is the air pollution like (smog, the smell) compared to Philly?
  • What kinds of cars are there and why?
  • How has the wildlife/green life been affected by the embargo?

How was your trip?

I don't have words to describe how amazing this trip was for me. We hear so much about Cuba as a "communist" country, but we don't hear about all the benefits that has brought them. Their socialist revolution brought subsidized housing, free healthcare, subsidized food, and the eradication of illiteracy. Everyone was incredibly kind and welcoming. No matter if we met them on our first day or our last, everyone greeted us with smiles and warmth and often sent us off with hugs and kisses on the cheek. Cuba was also one of the most beautiful countries I've ever seen. They have kept a lot of the natural forests that weave throughout the island, preserving the environment and many of the endangered species there. I will be forever grateful I got to see Cuba, and Havana, and I don't think this experience will ever leave me.

Thank You!

I can't say thank you enough to everyone who helped us get to Cuba! This was an experience I never thought I would get, and I loved every second of it. But without the support of our school and our donors, we never would have made it. I'm also incredibly grateful for everyone who talked to us on the trip, who took the time to really teach us about the reality of Cuba, and what a wonderful country it is. Thank you Jo and Billy, our wonderful tour guide and bus driver, for putting up with our constant questioning and (more than) occasional lateness. And more than anything, thank you to Ms. Diane, Ms. Jonas, Ms. Sessa, and Srta. Manuel. You all made this possible for us and took us on our incredible journey.