Day 3 Friday, March 31

"How Can This Trip Get Any Better?"

Jaiye Omowamide

So it's our third day in Cuba and I’m thinking to myself, “How can this trip get any better?" Day 3 seemed to answer my question.

We had to wake up and be on our bus by 8:00 as Jo told us that the ride to the farm Finca Marta in Artemisa was about an hour away. Together we gathered on our bus as we greeted our driver, Billy. Most of us fell right asleep as we waited to arrive to our destination since we all stayed up the night before to swim and have a poolside chat aka gossiping lol. We reached the farm around 9:00 and our eyes were glued on the two bulls that were pulling wood near the entrance. We all hopped off the bus and walked down the graveled path and were greeted with the sound of barking. Suddenly a small white and black dog came darting down the path followed by the owner of Finca Misa, Fernando Funes. He introduced his dog, Candy, and the rest of his 4 dogs. We all fell in love with them, especially Candy. She followed us the entire time! Fernando then introduced us to his farm and why he decided to create it; in memory of his mother. How sweet? He then took us on a lengthy tour. First, we he showed us where he kept his cows and showed us how he stores his cow's manure to use for energy to power different areas of the farm. How cool! Then we walked towards the back of his house and that's where all the magic was. Sitting along the steps and stoops were farmers (according to him, almost all over the age of 50) tending to the plants. They were some pulling leaves of the parsley while other chopped up mangos. A couple women as well as Fernando's wife were preparing our lunch. We walked farther up where we saw plains of flowers and different vegetables such as celery and arugula. We then walked even further and stopped in front of a lot of trees. We noticed mangos began to fall. Fernando darted to his home and came back with a knife and a bowl and proceeded to cut up some mangos for us. But these weren't just any mangos, they were apple mangos and they were so good! Possibly the best mango I ever had in my life. We then walked and talked a bit more.Fernando showed us where he kept his bees and we even got to try the honey. BEST. HONEY. EVER. And I'm not even a big fan of honey so you know it was good! While we indulge in the honey, elder farmer came with a machete and chopped coconuts for us to have some coconut water. It was such a simple moment to think that we bonded over something so small as coconut water. Plus, we took some pretty dope pics.

After our coconut water break, it was time for lunch! We were joined by Fernando and his wife, as well as Jo, Billy and the dogs for some amazing food. We had rice and beans, taro, pico de gallo, salad and roasted pork. I don't eat pork for religious reasons but it looked really good #jealous! We took more pics lol. After some cookies and coffee, it was sadly, time to go.

We then visited a community arts program called, "El Muraleando" that focuses on the importances of entrepreneurship and leadership through art that could beautify the neighborhood. The art was beautiful and we were greeted by so many children. They were shy but many agreed to pictures. We stepped inside a room where artists were selling their creations. I bought a pair of beautiful earrings carved from coconuts. I was amazed by the time and effort each artists put into their work. After exploring for a bit, we went outside where a band performed for us. I felt so carefree dancing in front of complete strangers. It was a really great performance; everyone's voice was amazing. Ms. Jonas showed us her dance moves too!

Before leaving El Muraleando, I stopped and talked to a Cubana named Babbi. She was one of the young girls who was dancing with us. She told me that she wanted to become an actress. I took a picture of her because of her bubbly personality. Right when I turned to walk to the bus, she tapped me and said she thought my keychain was "muy linda". Confused, I looked down at it and I looked at the dirty keychain that was once bright blue. I was amazed that she could find something so dingy, pretty. That was a pretty heart-warming moment. I decided to give it to her and she took a picture of her holding it near her face. I rushed to say bye and hopped on the bus.

We ended the night at a Paladar La Concordia that has a rooftop with an amazing view of Centro Havana. We had a run in with a few guys on the roof who were filming us...but he forgot to turn his flash off. We decided to get back at him by recording him with our flash on but...he took it the wrong way and thought we fancied him. Besides that incident, the dinner was great. I had the lobster! It was such a nice way to end the day with great food and laughs. This was by far one of my favorite days of the trip.