
Coaches and Buses

Buses that serve the school run on a commercial basis. For route or timetable information please ring Lanes Coaches on

0800 542 4827 (, Davies Coaches on 01923 527000 ( or the Passenger

Transport Unit at Hertfordshire County Council on 0300 123 4050.

Parents in Herts whose children have a statutory entitlement to free travel will be contacted directly by the council. Further

information can be found at

school-transport. Similar arrangement exists for children living in Buckinghamshire and information can be found at

Please remember that as buses are operated on a commercial basis, school staff will not be able to give out travel advice, sell tickets or help students who have lost or forgotten their tickets. If your child misses the bus after school for some reason, they should return to Student Reception to ring home and arrange for a parent to pick them up. If their bus is late in the morning, students should report to Student Reception who will advise them whether they need to sign in or go to registration.

Staff Car Park & Cars

The school car park is closed between 8.15 – 9.00am and 3.15 – 4.15pm. It is therefore not possible to pick up your son or daughter at these times from the school car park. The school car park is open at all other times of the day. Parents wishing to collect students with instruments or bulky equipment are asked not to enter the school car park before 4.15pm. The school requests that those parents whose children have specific medical conditions requiring necessary transport write in to gain permission to enter the school at the end of the school day. Please do not use either the bus lane or the school entrance to drop children at any time.

Parents with Restricted Mobility

The school makes every effort to meet the needs of our visitors. All parts of our buildings are fully accessible and dedicated parking is available near the main school entrance. Please let us know if you have restricted mobility and we will be pleased to help.