The Learning Resource Centre (LRC)

The LRC is open everyday from 8.00am to 4.00pm (3.30pm on Fridays). You are welcome in the LRC during your free time, before school, during break and lunchtime and after school.

The LRC is a quiet working area supporting reading and learning across the curriculum throughout your career at St Clement Danes School. The LRC’s service is constantly expanding as it responds to the needs of a changing curriculum. It currently offers:

Independent Learning Skills

Information and research skills are delivered in the LRC across the whole curriculum, ensuring that you are developing skills which prepare you for life-long learning. We endeavour to foster an enthusiastic pleasure for reading through book clubs and reading promotions thereby contributing to raising literacy skills amongst our students.

The LRC resources are available after school for you to do work or research with assistance from staff. For more information see ‘Prep for Success' within the student progress page.

What is AccessIt?

The LRC uses AccessIt, a web-based library management system, which promotes independent learning. Students can view their own personal library account, renew and reserve titles and access the full library catalogue. Classes will be shown how to use the system in library induction lessons.

How Many Books May I Loan?

Year 7 to Year 11 - three Items

Year 12 to Year 13 - six Items

What Happens if My Book is Overdue?

Most books are issued for three weeks and we expect you to take responsibility for items borrowed. You will be notified by email if an item has become overdue. If is not returned promptly, we will send a message to your parent requesting return or payment.