Relationship and Sexual Education

From September 2021 it became mandatory for all schools to deliver a new relationships and sex education curriculum. As such we follow the relationships and sex education curriculum outlined by the Department for Education.

At the Danes Educational Trust, we believe that it is important to provide our students with a thorough and balanced curriculum, including age-appropriate information about relationships and sex. 

The details of what will be taught to the various year groups is detailed in the school’s Relationships and Sex Education Policy, which can be accessed on our school website or in hard copy via our school office. Year 7 will be learning about the following topics:

Relationships and Sex Education – Puberty

Relationships and Sex Education – Puberty 2 including menstrual wellbeing

Relationships and Sex Education – Healthy Relationships. 

Relationships and Sex Education – Introduction to Consent

Relationships and Sex Education – Keeping safe from grooming 

Though schools must provide sex education for students from the age of 11 up until the age of 19, only aspects of the science national curriculum and relationships education are compulsory for students to learn. Therefore, as parents/carers, you are entitled to request that your child is withdrawn from sex education but not relationships education in Personal Development by notifying the Headteacher in writing. A discussion with you will follow to determine which elements of the curriculum your child will be withdrawn from. Students cannot be withdrawn from sex education in Science. If a student has previously been withdrawn from sex education lessons, they have the right to request they receive sex education three terms before their sixteenth birthday. If you have previously asked for your child to be withdrawn from sex education, then you do not need to contact us again. 

Such requests should be submitted to myself, the Headteacher, who will discuss this with you and your child’s teacher and determine an appropriate substitute for these lessons. In most instances, children will be provided with self-directed reading or exercises which they can complete under supervision. 

If you have any concerns or queries about your child’s participation in these lessons, please do not hesitate to contact either myself or Miss Ramsbottom (Head of Personal Development). 

Yours sincerely

Mr T Sutherland
