
If your child has a medical condition that you need to discuss with the school can you please contact Mrs S Brundritt (Mon - Wed) and Mrs D Pathak (Thurs - Fri) the school's Medical Administrators. You can email if you have anything you would like to discuss about your child’s health and wellbeing. You may be required to complete an Individual Health Care Plan before your child starts at St Clement Danes in September.

Illness or injury

Students who feel unwell or are injured at school should go to the Medical Room first where an assessment will take place. The Medical Room is situated next to Student Reception. Should it be necessary for a student to be sent home or if further treatment is required, the Medical Administrator or designated person will call the emergency contact(s) the parents have supplied to the school in order of priority, and this person will be asked to collect the child from Main Reception.

It is essential that one named contact is available and able to collect your child when requested. The school must be able to easily contact you, or another designated adult,should the need arise. Any changes in address, home/work/mobile telephones numbers or medical history must be notified to Student Reception in writing immediately. In the event of an emergency requiring urgent hospital treatment, the parent (or other emergency contacts) will be contacted as soon as possible by the school. If your child has, or develops, any condition that requires medical or long term treatment e.g.allergies, asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, please inform the Medical Administrator so that such factors can be taken into consideration and support offered where necessary. 

Please do not send your child into school if they are unwell. If your child has had diarrhoea or vomiting, they must stay away from school for 48 hours after the last episode. Your GP will advise about the length of time your child must stay away from school if they are suffering from an infectious disease.


In accordance with current Health and Safety requirements, the Medical Administrator can supervise prescribed and some non-prescribed medication as long we have written consent and also the MED1 or MED2 form has been completed. Where possible, please ask your doctor to prescribe medication in dose frequencies which enable it to be taken outside of school hours. Students are not allowed to carry any medicines with them in school. The only exceptions are inhalers and Epipens or medicines/equipment identified on individual healthcare plans.

Prescribed Medication

If your child is prescribed short-term medication, the following procedure must be followed if you wish the Medical Administrator to administer it during the school day: Parents should bring in any medication and complete a MED1 form, available to download from our website or from the Medical Administrator, giving full instructions for administration. A separate MED1 form needs to be completed for different medications. The medication must be in the original container with the name of the child, name of the drug and dosage marked clearly and have a pharmaceutical label with dispensing instructions.

Non-Prescribed Medication

Parents must supply non-prescribed medication and also complete a MED2 form which should be given to the Medical Administrator. The responsibility for delivery and collection of medication required rests with the family and students who are responsible for ensuring they attend at their designated times. When medication is given, the Medical Administrator will ensure it is taken and will document the date, time and dose. Please contact the Medical Administrator if you require any help or advice in this matter. Students with asthma are required to have their inhaler with them at all times. Students with Epipens are required to carry them at all times.

Medication for School Trips

Medication must be provided by parents and will only be given to students who attend school trips if we have written consent beforehand. Students must not carry any medication on them, with the exception of asthma inhalers and Epipens or other medicines/equipment identified on individual healthcare plans. If your child does not have their Epipen or Inhaler with them when going on a school trip they will NOT be allowed to go. Please contact the Medical Administrator or the trip leader for further information. 

For travel sickness only parents can provide one dose of non-prescription travel sickness medication for the return trip. This is to be placed in a sealed envelope with full details of the medication and time to be taken by the student, and given to the trip leader before departure. For Health and Safety reasons, under no circumstances are students allowed to bring aerosols into school. This includes deodorants, antiperspirants and perfumes.