School Code

The School Motto: ‘Loyauté m’oblige’ =  ‘Loyalty has its obligations’  

We aim to be a credit to ourselves, our families and the school community. We seek to make a positive contribution to the life of St Clement Danes. In action and attitude we intend to take pride in all that we are and treat others with respect. The school aims to provide a high quality learning environment and we are committed to maximising the abilities of each student. Excellence, trust and tolerance are fundamental values expected from all involved with this process. Our aim is to enable all to  become responsible, fulfilled adults, who have the skills and confidence to be able to shape the future. 

We seek the co-operation of all involved with St Clement Danes to ensure the best quality education for our students. Form Tutors are the initial point of contact between home and school. 

Behaviour and Attitude 


A homework timetable is in operation for students in Years 7. The purpose of homework is to both reinforce and  develop the learning that takes place in the classroom. As such, staff issue appropriate homework tasks of at least 30 minutes’ duration. Subjects with a timetable allocation of three periods or fewer per fortnight issue a 30 minute homework task every two weeks whilst subjects with four or more teaching periods per fortnight issue one 30 minute homework task every week. The work may be set prior to the day indicated on the timetable but should be completed by students on the allocated slot. Extended tasks may also be set that cover more than one homework slot. The only subjects which are not expected to set homework tasks are Games, Personal Development and Physical Education. 

From September 2021 the school uses  ‘Google Classroom’ for the setting and monitoring of homework tasks. Google Classroom has an online based homework diary and can be accessed via the school website. Staff set homework via Google Classroom and upload resources to help students. Full training for Year 7 students will be given when they start the school in  September. 




