Students who join St Clement Danes School benefit from an innovative and exciting curriculum, dedicated staff and first rate facilities. Indeed, our last Ofsted inspection rated the school as outstanding in every area, noting that students’ academic excellence is matched by their outstanding personal development. We are committed to maintaining and building on these high standards, but the state secondary educational system is under considerable financial pressure. Knowing this, parents often ask how they can give financial support during their child’s time at the school.


At St Clement Danes School we have set up the Anchor Fund for this purpose, which is registered with and regulated by the Charity Commission. The purpose of the Anchor Fund is to enhance your child’s educational experience whilst at St Clement Danes School by funding additional resources which provide further opportunities for your son or daughter.


Parental support of the Anchor Fund is critical to the continued provision of these extra resources that help to set St Clement Danes apart from other schools. We are very grateful to the many generous parents who donate in some way during their child’s time at the school. These are just a few of our recent purchases; more can be viewed on our website page here:


1.    CAF Online!/DonationDetails

You can donate online using the link above and your donation will be processed by the Charities Aid Foundation. Please remember to tick the Gift Aid box if you are a UK Tax Payer. 


2.    Standing Order

Please complete sections A and B on the form in the link below, and return as indicated, to set that up.

We would be grateful, if you are a UK tax payer, if you could also complete section C - the Gift Aid declaration - and sign where indicated to enable us to claim an extra 25% via the Gift Aid scheme.


3.    ParentPay 

       Once your school ParentPay account is set up, you can make regular donations when you log on to pay for trips or lunches. We would also be grateful, if you are a UK tax payer, if you could complete sections A and C on the form in the link below, and return as indicated, to enable us to claim an extra 25% via the Gift Aid scheme.

The more help you can give, the more we can support your children to realise their ambitions. Thank you very much for your support.