Lunch Arrangements

The School operates a cashless system for the purchase of food and snacks, which offers advantages for both parents and students. 

The cashless catering system uses biometric authentication. Each student has their finger image registered, which is then translated into an alpha numeric code; the image is then discarded. To make a purchase, the student simply places their finger on a scanner at the point of sale. A display will show the server the student’s name, class, photo and current cash balance held within the system. The selected food items will be entered into the system from an itemised keyboard while the amount spent and the new cash balance will show on the display. Please be assured that the biometric data cannot be reinterpreted back into a finger image. Further information about biometrics authentication can be found during the registration process. 

If at any time either the child or their parent refuses to participate in, or continue to participate in, anything that involves the processing of the child’s biometric  information, the school will ensure that the biometric information is removed from the system and a unique PIN code is provided to enable the child to use the cashless catering system. However, we would recommend that students use biometric authentication as the most secure method of using the cashless catering system. 

Each student will have their finger image registered on the first day of school and will be advised on how to use the system. 

One of the benefits of the cashless catering system is to ensure that your money is used to purchase lunch. By paying online using ParentPay, this is ensured. In addition, ParentPay will also provide parents with information about the purchases made by their child and enable parents to check the balance available on the student’s account. The school operates a cashless system, but in exceptional circumstances if you should wish to top up your child’s account by cash, this is possible. Students can bring cash to Student Reception who will add the funds to their catering account. No cash will  be accepted at the food counter till points. 

To ensure that funds are available on your child’s account for the first day of school, you will be contacted in due course with details of your ParentPay account, how to set it up, log in details and how to pay funds in to cover your child’s break and lunch purchases. We strongly advise that you set up your ParentPay account as soon as you have the information from the Finance Department to assure your child of a smooth introduction to the school. 

Please note the daily spend limit is automatically set at £5.50. This can be increased/decreased by prior arrangement with Finance. You can email them via the Contact Us section on the school website – choose the recipient ParentPay/Cashless Catering Query. 

Certain data will be held on the system to enable accurate operation. This will include your child’s name, tutor group, photo account, balance and meal entitlement. This data will be handled under the guidelines of  the General Data Protection Regulations and only used by parties involved with the system. If you have any concerns, please contact our Data Protection Office (DPO) by email 

A sample menu can be viewed online on the Parents’ section of the school website. 

Please note that students may bring a packed lunch to school or they can purchase food in the school’s canteen.