Student Progress, Reporting and 

Parents' Evenings


In Year 7 you will receive three academic reports. Further information on reporting will follow in September.

How do we use KS2 data?

At St Clement Danes, we aim to support all students to make at least expected progress, with most making good or exceptional progress.

When you come to us from primary school, we look at some key pieces of data on you - your KS2 scores in:

• English reading

• English grammar, punctuation and spelling

• Maths

We use these pieces of data as there is a very strong correlation (or link) between this data and how students perform at GCSE. Right from Year 7, we track your progress on the GCSE 9-1 scale (9 being the highest grade it is possible to achieve at GCSE). In Year 7, you will have a target grade in each subject ranging from 1 to 4 on the GCSE scale. Your KS2 scores and target grades are then used by teachers in their planning, teaching and assessment. When planning their lessons, teachers think about the topic the class will be studying by breaking it down into the four target grade areas:





Teachers will use the information they have about each student’s KS2 scores and target grades to help you keep on track and make good progress in each topic which is shown in assessment results.

Support with  Homework? 

‘Prep for Success’!

If you are worried about completing homework, Prep runs afterschool 3.30-4.30 in the LRC and is staffed by members of the Learning Support faculty. You can attend sessions on any day of the week but there is a specific focus as follows: Monday: English; Tuesday: Science; Wednesday: Organisation (sticking in resources, printing off missing work, completing missing notes); Thursday Maths. Teachers may refer you to Prep organisation if you need additional help.

Parents’ Evenings

The date for the Parents’ Evening appears on the school calendar which can be accessed via the website:

Due to such large numbers of students, parents’ evenings are organised differently in secondary schools. In response to parental preferences, we use the Schoolcloud platform to run online appointments. Appointments are for five minutes and can be booked by parents usually a week before the Evening.  As some teachers may teach the whole of the year, it may not be possible for them to see every student, and teachers will prioritise vulnerable students in the first instance. If you cannot make an appointment with a teacher that you really need to speak to, please contact them at another time. The students are expected to attend with you as it is important that they become more responsible for their learning and progress. Fuller details of how to access the appointments will be provided a month before the Evening.