St Clement Danes

2024 - 2025

New Year 7 Information

Welcome from Mr Sorrell- Head of Year 7

We are delighted that you are about to begin the adventure of a new school with us at St Clement Danes.

Starting secondary school is a fantastic opportunity to experience a whole new range of possibilities. This includes making new friendship groups, the chance to study a wider range of subjects and the opportunity to take part in numerous extra-curricular opportunities, both here and abroad.

The first few weeks will undoubtedly be a little daunting, but the Form Tutors, prefects and ourselves are here to help guide students through the transition process. We hope students will ask if there are aspects they are unsure of and let us know if there are things they need help with.

This information site has been devised to help provide some of the information students and parents will need to ensure a smooth transition. The students themselves will be offered much more practical day to day guidance once they have started in September.

We encourage students to arrive with a ‘can do’ attitude and grasp the huge range of opportunities that we offer, both within and outside the classroom, so they can play a full and active role in this outstanding community.

We have high expectations of the students both academically and in their behaviour. Of equal importance to us is that they are happy, healthy and enjoying school so that they have every chance to succeed.

We are looking forward to getting to know our new students in September and working in close partnership with your family over the coming years.

Please complete the Student Information form below by Friday 28th June 

Summer Camps

Performing Arts Camp

The Performing Arts Department is excited to offer to all new Year 7 students a place on the Performing Arts Camp, which will be delivered by our Performing Arts Faculty, from Tuesday 27th - Friday 30th August 2024.

During this week, students will engage with a variety of activities to develop resilience, collaborative working and communication skills. They will also be given the opportunity to learn their way around the school site and get to know others in their Year Group ahead of the start of term. To make a provisional booking please follow the link below to complete the booking form.  Please be aware that to allow all students the opportunity to attend the Performing Arts Camp, we can currently only offer 1 day.

This week will be open to all new students in Year 7, but we will be asking for a financial contribution of £30 to cover additional costs. Further details will follow regarding payment once places have been confirmed by us.

Summer Sports Camp

Once again, we will hold our popular annual Summer Sports Camp sessions for all new Year 7 students, which will be delivered by our Physical Education Faculty, from Friday 23rd August, Tuesday- Friday 30th August 2024. 

During this week, students will engage with a variety of activities to develop resilience, collaborative working and communication skills. They will also be given the opportunity to learn their way around the school site and get to know others in their Year Group ahead of the start of term. Each day will run from 9:30am until 3:00pm

To make a provisional booking please follow the link below to complete the booking form. Please be aware that to allow all students the opportunity to attend the Sports Camp, we can currently only offer 4 days.

This week will be open to all new students in Year 7, but we will be asking for a financial contribution of £30 per day attended to cover additional costs. Payment information will be sent upon confirmation of places in the near future.

Transitional Information

My First Day

Address, telephone number, email and school background information 


Equipment for the first day of school and other equipment needs

Uniform and PE Kit

Uniform policy, suppliers and full uniform lists

Dates and Times

Key dates, times of the school day and the school calendar

Tutor Groups and Staff

The Year 7 team, tutor groups pastoral and SLT team. 

Form tutor details will be confirmed shortly. 


Overview of the Year 7 curriculum over a two week timetable

Extra Curriculum

A flavour of the types of activities which typically run at the school


More about the Learning Resource Centre (LRC)

School Code

The St Clement Danes School Code

Home School Agreement

Details of school, student and parent/carer responsibilities

ICT Policies

Our school ICT policies

General Information

Lost property, lockers and miscellaneous


The school works with parents to ensure safeguarding is a priority


Details of our additional needs support and SEND student information form


When students are unwell or need medication


Registration, late arrivals, and absences

Relationships and Sexual Education

Details of how this is taught as part of the national curriculum

Student Progress and Parents Evenings

Details of how progress is shared with parents



The team who support the Year 7 students



Students are able to learn work and socialise without the feel of being bullied


Coach, bus and Car park information


Communicating with the school


Parent Portal - How to enter important information
(more information to follow)

Biometric payment system, ParentPay and free school meals

Financial Assistance

Free school meals, Pupil premium, Music tuition and other financial assistance


Find out more about our PA 

The Anchor Fund

Find out more about The Anchor Fund

Transition Evening Slides

Transition evening slides will be shared here in due course

LAMDA & Instrumental, Vocal and Theory Lessons

Find out more about LAMDA and Instrumental, Vocal and Theory Lessons

Join the SCD Community

We are very proud of our Careers Programme and we always welcome support from our parent network. 

Summer Homework

Find out more information about this year's summer homework