First Day of School: 24.25

Do you need to register a child currently in Kindergarten - Sixth Grade? Check in with this page later in the  summer and we'll let you know if that portal is ready for your information.

24.25 Bus Stops and Times  Please call the school 


to find your child’s bus stop and then consult 

SAU 9's transportation page.

A Note from Gredel Shaw, SAU 9 Transportation Coordinator: SAU9 does not list every bus stop. We provide bus stops and times along each route.  If your stop falls between two stops that are listed, please insert your stop between the two times and have the student at your stop ready to go.  If your stop is close to another stop, we ask that students combine stops.  Students should be out at their bus stop 5-7 minutes prior to bus arrival time.  

What to pack in backpack on the first day of school:

~  recess-ready shoes: sneakers when it's warm and dry, snow boots when it's cold and snowy.

~ a snack for mid-morning

~ a lunch or a note requesting lunch

~ an optional extra mask

First Day of School

8:20 --students arrive at JGS. Parents may drop off students at the front door of the WCC to walk down to the school or students may take the bus. There is no supervision for students before 8:20. Please don't leave your child before 8:20.

8:30 --school begins

3:00 --school ends: children either take bus or are picked up out front. Please let your child's teacher know your student's dismissal plans - by note or email! 

Your student won’t need much the first day of school.

Each class has a snack mid-morning, so pack a snack for your kiddo.

Lunch will be served or you can send your child with a lunch. A note to the teacher with your child's lunch plans is most helpful for the younger grades!

Apply for Free & Reduced Lunch HERE. 

Weather permitting, we will do most of our learning, eat our lunches, and have two recesses outside. Your child should wear clothing and shoes appropriate for running around in a field, climbing on playground equipment or playing on the blacktop. In warmer seasons, sneakers are preferred. Flip flops and clogs are not safe footwear for learning or play outside. Snow boots and snow pants, mitts, hats, and coats are required for full participation in winter recesses.

Each classroom will have a list of school supplies your student needs. You may have gotten this in the mail from your child’s teacher already. Most classrooms have mailboxes and/or folders for the exchange of messages from home and school, and to carry home homework and the weekly school newsletter.

June 2024 UPDATE: You have received numerous attachments to complete. Please complete these and return to JGS. For online registration, please complete NEW student registration as soon as you can. For students who are changing schools within SAU 9, please wait until later in the summer. We'll let you know when that portal is ready.