Alpine Skiing 23.24 

Photos from the 2024 Season!

Photos from the 2023 season!

ESSC Snow Day - Thursday, March 14, 2024! 

ESSC Snow Day is the season wrap-up of JGS’s Alpine ski program with ESSC.  All first through sixth graders will travel to Cranmore Ski Area to ski/board for the day. This will be our last downhill ski/board day of the 2024 ESSC season.

JGS will leave at 9 AM to travel by JGS bus to Cranmore Ski Area. The ski/board day ends at 1:50 pm with the bus leaving at 2 PM to return to JGS.

Students need to arrive at school in ski layers, bring their Friday downhill ski gear, bring a packed lunch and water bottle. Just like skiing on Fridays, students will need: 


Please complete the form below to let us know we’re all on the same lift. 

Child/ren’s name/s:_______________________________________________________

I will send my child to school with lunch from home.  

Parent’s Name: _______________________________________

Please check and complete:


 (JGS will contact you soon with pick up spot.)

Rental equipment must be returned to Cranmore at the end of Snow Day . If you are picking up your child, please leave your child’s rental gear with Neil Stokes at pick up time. 

JGS first-sixth graders downhill (Alpine) ski on Friday afternoons (quick lunch at 11:25, on the bus at noon.)  This is part of the school day and an all-valley, all-student (1st-6th) program hosted by Eastern Slope Ski Club, or ESSC. As of Dec. 8, 2023, we'll be skiing back at Black Mountain Ski Area! Rentals will be available from ESSC  - make up day is Tuesday, Dec. 12, 4-6 PM for parents to bring their children to the Cranmore Arlberg Children's Center.

 We will need volunteers! Registration information guides to the right!

Here are some dates to keep in mind:

ESSC ski sale at North Conway Community Center-

Volunteer appreciation party at Tuckermans brewery Nov. 16th

Rental collection

Rental make up 

Snow day will be March 14th

Still waiting for schedule for o snow clinics - stay tuned!

LINK to Junior Program Forms registration code=Winter23

Link to Volunteer Forms=registration code=Winter23

more information from Eastern Slope Ski Club: