Jackson School Community News

JGS News - June 16, 2022

Jackson School Community News


Have a great summer!

Live links in this week's news:

Jackson Grammar School Website

Link to Promotion live on YouTube

LINK To the DEI Parent Reading group and other DEI info

2022-2023 School Year Calendar

Snippets from the Spring Concert

Jackson Public Library LEGO Master Cody Wells registration - July 5th @ 3:30pm

https://catalog.jacksonlibrary.org/register   Space will be limited! Sign up ASAP!  

Notes from the Principal

Dear Jackson Community,

We made it!  Tomorrow we will celebrate the promotion of our sixth graders to middle school together, weather permitting, in the outdoor classroom pavilion at 10:45. The grade 6 year-end experience starts long before the last day of school, and so earlier this week I was pleased to attend the presentation of their passion projects and their portfolio reviews. Each opportunity for them to demonstrate their success was truly memorable in so many ways! Watch the website for the electronic versions of their presentations: a required part of their presentation was including a media component.  I was impressed at how the sixth graders have become such wonderful public speakers, a skill that Jackson students have much experience with by the time they leave us. If you are able, please join us in our annual year-end cookout immediately following our promotion!

Thank you to all of you for your ongoing support of our school and its children. Since we needed to cancel Step Up Day I am taking a moment now to announce the proposed staffing assignments for 22-23. I am pleased to announce that we were able  to hire a Jackson alumni parent, Jen Bailey, to fill our special education position and are excited to have her join our faculty. This means that Mrs. Heysler will return to grade four next year. We will miss Ms. Kennedy and so appreciate her stellar work with our ¾ class this year! She will not be far away, though, as she will be teaching at JBES. We wish her well and know she will continue to be successful! Mrs. Robert, Mr. Marshall and Mrs. Groves will continue at their current grade levels.  In addition, we will also say goodbye and best wishes to Mrs. Hoyt who held a one year position as a paraprofessional. We are all looking forward to some down time and  then a Covid-free 22-23 school year! 

Be safe, have fun, and  call if you need anything!  I will be here three days a week through the summer.



Cole, Everett, Blu Jay, and Sativa on their way to their sixth grade luncheon with Mr. Marshall. Promotion is Friday at 10:45!   Thank you to Irina and the lunch crew at the Wentworth for hosting the sixth graders!

Link to spring concert - Thank you to Mrs. Verran, JGS Tech Coordinator, for putting together a video of clips from this year’s spring concert!  

From the Guidance Office

For any parents who may be in need of support over the summer, please keep Children Unlimited’s Family Connections Family Resource Center in mind.  We provide free services to any family in Carroll County with children from birth to age 21, regardless of income level for our Families Unlimited and Kinship Navigation programs. Our mission is to promote family wellness and decrease family stressors in order to prevent child abuse and neglect.  Our Family Support Providers can work with families in their homes, at our office, out in the community, or by phone or video.  Families can self refer by calling The Family Connections Resource Center at (603) 901-3052 or by emailing children@childrenunlimitedinc.or.  We would be happy to hear from you!  

DEI Parents' Group Information - Live link to this flyer and its links: HERE; flyer attached in the news!

Dates to Remember

Last Day of School: June 17 - EARLY RELEASE AT NOON!

SIXTH GRADE PROMOTION: 10:45 am  Link to Promotion on YouTube


June 20 - School Board Meeting, 6PM, WCC

September 1 - Back to School!

Jackson Public Library Children’s Program

LEGO Master Cody Wells registration - July 5th @ 3:30pm

This Jackson Public Library Summer Reading Program kick-off event is not to be missed! Perfect for experienced LEGO builders and newcomers alike. Jackson Public Library's Ocean's of Possibilities Summer Reading Program is designed with elementary school-aged children in mind and supervision will be provided by library staff. If younger children are attending, a caregiver will also need to be present. This program will be held outside under a tent. Pre-registration is encouraged but not required. Register by filling out the form below.

https://catalog.jacksonlibrary.org/register   Space will be limited! Sign up ASAP!

JGS News - June 10, 2022

Please Note: 

In light of the number of recent COVID cases at JGS we've decided to cancel Step Up Day. We will not be crossing cohorts and will not be hosting new students on campus at this time.  For now, the plan is to have an all-school Welcome Gathering at the end of August. We hope to see new and returning families then! Please watch your email for updates! 

Live Links in the week's News:

Recital 2022: Watch the recording at https://youtu.be/F8WpQW9vcCA

JGS Field Day Slideshow Link

Here is the link to the DEI Parent Night recording.

JGS News - June 3, 2022

Live Links in this week's news

Order your yearbook today! Deadline to order - June 10th! 

Playing in the Band:  more photos from the Memorial Day parades, recital details

JGS PE Page: Details for Field Day

MWV Farmers Market

JGS News - May 26, 2022

In this week's news:

School news - Dates, Definitions

Town news - Memorial Days Observances - Parades

National news - Link to information regarding talking with your child about violence

School News

Dates to remember

May 27 - Early Release at NOON, last day to sign up for the Recital

May 31 - No School, Memorial Day - and PARADES! See schedule, below!

May 31 - Grades 5 & 6 SAU 9 Track Meet

June 1 - Deadline for Field Day Permission Slips - attached

June 3 - JGS Career Day

June 6 - Field Day

June 7 - Recital

June 10 - Deadline to order yearbooks Order your JGS 2021-22 Yearbook HERE! (Sixth Graders' Yearbooks are on the house! Don't order for your sixth grader unless you want more than 1!)

June 17 - Early Release Day, Last Day of School: Promotion!

What are all these year-end events, anyway?

Field Day - not to be confused with the SAU9 -wide Track Meet for grades 5 & 6! JGS's Field Day is described, below:

Field Day is a fun-filled day of Physical Education activities encompassing games with a twist, cooperation, and water.  There is always water, somehow, somewhere, during Field Day! 

For Field Day 2022, JGS students will be at JGS for morning activities and lunch.  The afternoon is at Echo Lake.  Students will be dismissed at 3:00pm as usual, pick up or bus from JGS. For more details, and the permission slip due back to JGS by June 1, see "Field Day Parent Info/permission slip, attached.

Here are more JGS year-end events, defined by the JGS 5 & 6:

Recital: The recital is an optional musical talent show. This is only for instruments or vocals. The signup sheet is outside of Mrs. Weeder's classroom if you're interested. ~ Alda NOTE: The deadline for recital sign ups is being extended until Tuesday, May 31. Please sign up on the art/music room door in the WCC if you want to perform in the recital on June 7th.

Step-up Day: Step-up Day is when students get exposed to their new classroom for next year if they are moving to a new classroom and teacher. Then they spend a day or a couple hours with their new classmates and bond. ~ Aubree NOTE: Step up day is usually a day or two before Promotion.

PROMOTION: At JGS there's a promotion for the 6th graders when they are going to middle school. JGS has a graduation ceremony as a celebration for leaving JGS and entering 7th grade. ~Cole 

For future reference, here are more JGS traditions/events:

A.S.M.: A.S.M. stands for all school meeting, which is when the entire school and parents gather in the Whitney Center for about 30 minutes in the morning and share projects and local news. ~Everett NOTE: ASM is a weekly event that runs during the school year. at 8:35 on Thursdays. It is currently open to families!

Spirit Month: Spirit month or sometimes week is when the school determines a theme for the day and we dress up according to the theme, for example: say the theme was PJ day we would wear pajamas to school. ~Sativa  NOTE: This year JGS celebrated spirit in March.

UA/Spring Show: The Spring UA Show is an event showing the artwork the students have created, which are displayed in the Whitney Center. Each class performs the songs they learned in music class and the optional band and chorus sing/play on the stage of the Whitney Center, unless we aren't able to for health circumstances. ~Ivona

Ski-a-thon: The ski-a-thon is an annual tradition when the K-6 students go out and Nordic ski on a 1K ski touring course. They ask for pledges from sponsors and the raised money goes to the PTO, Jackson Ski Touring Center and sometimes a charity picked by the 5/6. ~Alda

Open house - A night at JGS where families are invited to experience the kids' work they had been working on in school and to see their classroom and meet their teacher.

Family night - A night much like Open House, but where the Upper House hosts a festival. There is sometimes food and interactive activities performed by the 5/6. ~Helen

Career Day is sponsored by Mrs. Hill, JGS Guidance Counselor. Students in each grade have the opportunity to learn about different careers from workers in our community. Guests have included: MLB pitcher, veterinarian, baker, artist...

Fall festival  Fall Festival is a day in the fall when we have a few fun Fall-themed activities throughout the school day;  For example carving our own pumpkins and making our own apple cider.  ~Gavin

Local News

Memorial Day Observances:

Who's Marching: 4th -8th grade band members from JGS & JBES, Veterans. Family and friends are invited to line the parade routes!

What: The bands will march in the town parades and perform the national anthem at grave sites in 4 towns. This event is very important to our veterans and members of our town. It is a great opportunity to combine our JBES & JGS counterparts and make a difference in our community. Not in band? Please come to the parades!

When: Monday, May 30


Jackson: J-Town deli to the cemetery

Intervale: stand in place at the cemetery on 16 A (Intervale Loop)

Glen: Gravel pit on Route 302 to the cemetery

Bartlett: Cabin Fever to the Veterans monument across from the church

Starting Time:  Participating band students should show up ready to march with their instruments at the JSTF parking lot at 8:40 on Monday. If there is inclement weather check the JGS website and facebook page for a cancellation notice.  We will then travel to the different locations. Band: please plan to attend all 4 services (please don't go home after the Jackson event. We need all the instruments at all the locations!) Families should plan to come and listen at all the locations. If there is no bus, parents should also plan to drive students to the different locations.

Ending Time: 11:30 at the Veterans monument, Bartlett

National News

The following is a resource from NHASP regarding how to talk to children about school shootings.


Students in grade 3/4 tried their hand at...

juggling, flower sticks, diabolos, and balancing peacock feathers in PE this week.  A few came inside for a few minutes of their recess to practice a little more, without the wind adding an additional challenge. 


Grade 2/3 and K/1 students practiced...

catching balls of various sizes and stuffed animals from a ball launcher.  2/3 also learned to throw and catch foxtails.

Grade 5/6 practiced their relay hand-offs and pacing for their running events. 

 The track meet is on Tuesday with weather looking to be partly cloudy but very warm. 

JGS News - May 20, 2022 

Live Links in the week's news

Order your JGS 2021-22 Yearbook HERE! (Sixth Graders' Yearbooks are on the house! Don't order for your sixth grader unless you want more than 1!)

School Board INFO:

Link to Minutes and Agendum

Link to School Board Committee Assignments

last day to sign up for the Recital May 30 - No School, Memorial Day - and PARADE on Memorial Day for band! 


JGS News - May 13, 2022 

Mosaics - Artist in Residence at JGS

Live links in the week's news:

JGS Music - Lyrics for the UA Spring Arts Show. Scroll down in the newsletter to information about the recital, the UA Spring Arts Show, and the Memorial Day Parades 

KHS Drumline is BACK!  Show Schedule 

New to JGS? New student registration for the 2022-2023 school year! All grades!

5.13.22 news.pdf

JGS NEWS  - May 6, 2022

Live links in this week's news:

Parent/Guardian Night, May 10, 2022, 6-7 PM with Dr. Carlos Hoyt discussion Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. If you'd like some windows into Carlos's perspective on DEI, please take a look at his site . Carlos's bio can be found here. 

State Assessments for grades 3-6, details HERE May 9-13 - NHSAS for Grades 3&4 

Check out these area activities for kids. More links on the JGS webpage!  

JGS Music

JGS Student Handbook

Updates to the handbook: Jackson School Board Policiesmodification request procedure 

Inquiries concerning these policies and procedures can be directed to the Kadie Wilson, SAU 9 Assistant Superintendent (k_wilson@sau9.org) or Pam Stimpson, Director of Special Services (p_stimpson@sau9.org) or by calling the SAU 9 office (603-447-8368) 

KHS Drumline is BACK!  Show Schedule 

 New to JGS? 

New student registration for the 2022-2023 school year! All grades!

JGS NEWS  - APRIL 15, 2022 

 Live Links from this week's news: 

Parent/Guardian Night, May 10, 2022, 6-7 PM with Dr. Carlos Hoyt discussion Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. If you'd like some windows into Carlos's perspective on DEI, please take a look at his site . Carlos's bio can be found here. 

State Assessments for grades 3-6, details HERE  May 2-6 - NHSAS for Grades 5&6   May 9-13 - NHSAS for Grades 3&4 

Check out these area activities for kids. More links on the JGS webpage!   April Vacation Golf Camp! Volleyball Camp!

JACKSON SCHOOL BOARD    Monday, April 18 2022 – 6:00 p.m. 


https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87292641984?pwd=VDF0dGd6c2VzSXFiaVk2WjdLUkNBQT09 Join by Phone: +13017158592,,87292641984#,,,,*175258# US (Washington DC) 

JGS News - April 8, 2022 

JGS News - April 1, 2022

JGS News - March 18, 2022

JGS News - March 11, 2022

JGS News - March 4, 2022

Live Links:

You may use this link https://forms.gle/jnQoAmvcYBX54dMr8 to register your JGS student for voluntary no-cost COVID tests at JGS every Wednesday. More information is available on the link, and on this SASS FAQ

May 26 - JGS Kindergarten Registration 

Ski-A-Thon Complete this form (if you haven't yet) to let the office know how your child is getting home from the event. 

JGS PE Webpage 

Here is a link to a great resource for talking to kids about the anxiety surrounding the recent news in Ukraine that may be useful in your family or to pass on to parents who may express that their kids are concerned.  It is also a great reminder that we set the tone for how anxious the kids in our care will feel.  GIve a listen if you have the chance


JGS News - February 18, 2022

Live links from this week's news: 

Latest draft of the Jackson School District Strategic Plan to be voted on at the March 3, 2022 School District Meeting

Ski-A-Thon introduction, volunteer sign ups, dismissal forms

In ASM last week: 

Madame Erica Klein, our new World Language teacher, shared two short videos about Nordic Skiing, the Olympics, and friendship during ASM last week. Here is a link to the videos. Go JGS Nordic! 


Summer Camp Scholarship Application

Live Links from this (and last) week's news:

 Scholastic Book Fair Coming to JGS - Feb. 14 - 23, 2022

JGS will be relaxing to YELLOW Covid Prevention Guidelines starting Monday, February 14, 2022. Link to Yellow Guidelines: https://sites.google.com/sau9.org/jackson-grammar/jackson-grammar-school-home/21-22covid-19-prevention?authuser=0 

Link to community fun page on the JGS website - 4H programming!

Bartlett Rec News 

Live link to school board meetings http://www.jacksonflicks.com/jackson/jackson-school-board/index.html  

SAU 9 has provided JGS with N95 masks that we are distributing to families who want them. These masks are sized for children. There are two styles and each family who requests masks will receive a quantity of each style on a first come, first served basis, until we run out. If you haven’t requested any yet, and want N95 masks, complete the form linked below to let me know if you would like masks for your child.  Free N95 Masks for Children

  •       JGS News - February 3, 2022 

Dates to Remember

Feb. 7 & 14 - XC in PE - all skiers’ poles and skis to WCC

Feb. 14-18 Scholastic Book Fair - details coming soon!

February 21–25 - Vacation Week

March 3 - Jackson School Board meets at 6:30, District Annual Meeting at 7PM

Works in progress: Grades 5-6 working on their sculptures of the people they researched while learning to write biographies.

 JGS News - January 28, 2022 

Live Links from this week's news:

JGS Strategic Planning and Preliminary Expansion Plans

NH Food Bank Mobile Food Pantry, Thursday, Feb 3, 12-2pm– Ham Arena, 87 W Main St, Conway

Tell Everyone to come for their own household or pick up for family, friends, neighbors!

*Generously sponsored by Bank of New Hampshire .

 To volunteer please go to: https://nhfoodbank.volunteerhub.com/

Carroll County Coalition for Public Health is proud to support and promote food security across our region.

2022-2023 School Year Calendar - sau9.org

 JGS News - January 21, 2022

Live LInks from this week's news:

JGS Strategic Planning Listening Post

January 25th, 6-8 pm

Zoom Meeting (details herehttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/85366779310?pwd=NHhYRjdGaHNzazVkZUZSc29KbUhTQT09

 Please join us on Tuesday January 25th to contribute to the Jackson Grammar School Strategic Plan. This is our third community listening post and during our time together we will be reviewing the first draft of the strategic plan and diving into the details on priorities and actions such as outdoor education, co-curricular activities, afterschool programming, and more.  Please review the strategic plan via this link or in the attachment below. 

 --We look forward to your input!  The Jackson Grammar School Strategic Planning Committee

Covid-19 Prevention Updates     Link to order tests - https://www.covidtests.gov     Link to SAU 9 updated Covid-19 Isolation, quarantine, and testing procedures

Jackson School Board, January 18, 2022, featuring Mr. Marshall's class on Jackson Flicks On Town of Jackson, NH

JGS News - January 14, 2022

Live links from this week's news:

Virtual Family Night 

Social skills:  Author Caroline Maguire presents her book, Why Will No One Play With Me?  Please sign up using this form.             

Internet Safety Information for SAU 9 from Saralyn Smith's December presentation.

JGS News - January 7, 2022

JGS News - UPDATES December 30, 2021

READY for ESSC on Fridays, starting Jan. 7, 2022! - Draft 

For planning purposes only! Details to be determined once we return to school after Jan. 6, 2022!

JGS ESSC Fridays: Downhill Skiing at Black Mountain DRAFT

We will ski for fun and exercise as the focus!

Hello JGS Skiing Families and Support Crew!

First, if you are a volunteer  - THANK YOU! If you are support crew, ie., not skiing but sending your JGS skier ready to ski, THANK YOU, TOO!

Here is an overview of an ESSC Friday and the expectations of vols and support crew:

Weather permitting, Friday, January 7, 2022, will be our first ESSC Friday downhill ski day at Black Mountain Ski Area.

In the morning we have regular classes. We eat an early lunch and ski in the afternoon.

Kinders - staying at JGS with a JGS teacher.

1st-6th - skiing in modified cohorts with vols and staff

Dismissal is at about 2:45 PM from Black Mountain Ski Area. The bus is available to bring students to their bus stops. Please complete the attached ESSC Friday Routine Dismissal Plan and return it to JGS before Jan. 6, 2022. Coming to you Monday, Jan. 3!

Before Jan. 7th

Label each ski, pole, and boot with your child’s name and grade!

Each Thursday: inform Susan of your skier’s dismissal plans for Friday if there is a change of routine.


Before school:

Pack 2 bags: 1 with school gear, snack, and lunch (if your child isn’t getting school lunch.) Students will have school in the AM and an early lunch. They may have recess and they may get their outdoors clothes wet. This bag will be left at school on the front benches for you to pick up (If your child is riding the bus home they will bring their school bag.)

Pack bag #2 with ski gear: 

Students will be getting on ALL their ski gear before going to Black. (Empty) Ski bags will be left near the ski cans at Black. Students will have limited access to them during the afternoon.

Prepare to leave skis and poles either at Black after 9 AM or drop at the WCC with Neil Stokes at drop off time. Of course, you have labeled each ski and each pole with your child’s name and grade!

8:15-8:25 - regular arrival at JGS -  with the added chore of:

Dropping off skis to Neil Stokes at the WCC. (Drive through JGS to drop kid, drive through Marketplace/PO to drop skis at Whitney Center.) Parents are encouraged to drop off skis at Black Mountain Ski Area - Neil should be there by 9:15 AM. There will be trash cans (better known as ski cans) labeled with each cohort/grade. Place skis in the appropriate can. School bag and ski bag go into school with students!

11:00 am: 

At JGS: Early lunch and then students dress fully at school in order to arrive at Black ready to ski. 

At Black:

Neil sets up cohort areas with skis

11:30-12:00: Skiers will load buses. Buses leave ASAP.

Volunteers: Neil will be expecting volunteers at 11:30 and will give them tickets for their groups and any updates. Vols wait in their group/cohort area for kiddos outside to the left of the lodge.

At Black: Students will get on their skis immediately as they come off the bus. 

Skis for each cohort will be stored in trash cans (ski cans) distanced from each other with a volunteer assigned to hand out skis and tickets. Students will leave any packs on the tarp near the ski can for each cohort. They will have limited or no access to the bags during the afternoon.

Students will be in their school cohort groups for skiing with most classes split in two groups. 

Bathrooms will be accessed from the parking lot door so no entry to the lodge is required to use rest rooms. There will be a JGS staffer there to ensure social distancing and hand washing.


Snacks - students and vols should bring their own. 

Neither students, staff nor vols will purchase food during the program. Water is available. 

Snacks should be eaten outside using the upstairs group area as a last resort.

Vols: Students must stay distanced and with their cohorts when taking breaks. 


Lift lines: 

Volunteers: help students maintain distance while in the lift line. Students will only ride the lift with a student from their cohort or their own parent. Volunteers will be asked to ride alone or with their child. Masks must be worn in line and on the lift.

School ski day is over at 2:45 - return to the cohort areas.

Dismissal - Parents have informed the school on Thursday if their child’s dismissal is different from the routine.

One bus will be available at 3pm to take children home. Parents are responsible for picking up ski gear at Black Mountain or making arrangements with the school office for the gear to be stored at school until the next ESSC Friday.

Vols return to cohort areas and stay with their group until parents come to pick up students.

Skis that are not going home should go in cohort ski can. 

Vols: do not leave the group until the parents have come and your group is gone. 

Parents  - please pick up your skier by 3:05. 

Please check out your student with the JGS staffer with the clipboard for your child's cohort.

Parents! School bags await on the benches at school- swing by to pick up! 

Ready for Nordic! Starts Jan. 10, 2022!

Hello JGS Parents & Guardians,     XC PE 2022

Our xc ski/snowshoe unit in Physical Education begins on Monday, January 10th.

JSTF staff will be assisting Mrs. Porter with classes which will be held in the triangle next to the Snowflake Inn and at the Town ball field for grades K-4 and at JSTF for Grade 5/6.

Make sure your child has their cross country (Nordic) skis and boots for PE class on the following dates:  1/10, 1/24, 1/31, 2/7.  

    K-4  will not bring ski poles on Weeks 1-3.  (Poles on 2/7 only)

    K-1  will be on Classic skis

    2-4  may use Classic or Skate but classic is better suited for the activities in PE class.

    5-6  may use either Skate or Classic

XC PE letter, Continued:

Drop off procedures for K-4 ski equipment on PE days:   

Label all equipment with student name on duct tape

K-4 parents 

5-6 parents

Boots should be sent with your student to school.  If possible send an extra pair of gloves.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.

Mrs. Porter

JGS Physical Education



JGS News - december 23, 2021

LIve Links from today's news: 

JGS Winter Concert: https://youtu.be/eGn1YjmRrOU 

Also on the JGS Music page!


JGS News - december 17, 2021

JGS News - december 10, 2021 

Live links from this week's news:

Virtual Family Series

JGS News - december 3, 2021 

JGS News - november 18, 2021 

Live links from this week's news:

Video of Nov. 15, 2021 School Board Meeting featuring Mrs. Robert, Ms. Kennedy, and Mike Dufilho of Tin Mountain Conservation Center presenting JGS River Studies throughout the school curriculum http://www.jacksonflicks.com/jackson/jackson-school-board/jackson-school-board-2021/november-15th-2021.html

PTO Sweatshirt Sale! PTO page

ESSC registration forms - due by Nov. 22! https://easternslopeskiclub.org/junior-programs/

Bike Walk Alliance of NH

JGS Art 

From Mrs. Hill in the Guidance Office

Need a little help this holiday season?  Angels and Elves is up and running and ready to receive applications. This local organization helps to provide Christmas gifts for kids in Mount Washington Valley.  Families can either call 356-5512 or email angelsandelves2021@gmail.com to apply.  

Wanting to sponsor a child this year?  Stop by Elf Headquarters (formerly Dress Barn) on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday between 12:00 and 5:30.  Check out mwvkiwanis.org for more information. 

River Paintings.mov

From Mrs. Porter, JGS Physical Education Teacher:

THE WINTERKIDS APP IS YOUR TICKET TO OUTDOOR WINTER FUN!  We want all Maine & New Hampshire families to build a better winter! That is why the WinterKids App is your connection to the outdoors.  Annual memberships:  $40 and cover a family of five (Nov 1st-Oct 21st). 

news.18 11..21.pdf

JGS News - november 10, 2021 

Live links from this week's news: 

PTO Sweatshirt Sale! PTO page

ESSC Ski Sale  - this weekend

ESSC registration forms - due by Nov. 22! https://easternslopeskiclub.org/junior-programs/

For COVID-19 vaccinations for children,please contact your  pediatrician, come to the drive through (flier attached) or go to the former Mt Washington Observatory Weather Discovery Center building next to Citizen’s Bank in North Conway whrere Memorial Hospital is accepting walk ins and scheduled appointments).

5210 - JGS Lunch Program and Maine Health's 5210 Program team up to promote 1 hour of exercise a day for kids!

Virtual Family Series

JGS News - november 5, 2021 

Live links from this week's news:

Cross-country/Nordic ski equipment sale at Jackson Ski Touring Foundation  - Saturday! https://www.jacksonxc.org/event/jackson-xc-annual-ski-swap-saturday-november-6-2021-from-900-am-to-100-pm/ 

Downhill/Alpine ski equipment sale at the North Conway Community Center - next weekend! https://easternslopeskiclub.org/events/ 

Criminal Background Check Information for potential volunteers: http://sau9.org/district/background_checks  Contact Susan at JGS if you are not sure if your background check is up to date!

Link for Fall Festival Slide Show


Link for Bartlett Rec  Basketball Registration Youth Sports Registration Form: https://bartlettrec.org/

Scroll down for the Fall Festival slide show and the week's news!

Fall Festival 2021

JGS News - October 29, 2021  

Live links from this week's news: 

Jackson Strategic Planning 

Session 2 is Saturday, 9 -11 AM, in the school tent. LINK for more information.


Whitney Community Center Happenings


Zoom Yoga

Saturn and Stars Fall Astronomy

JGS News - October 21, 2021  

Jackson PTO Family Halloween Celebration

Friday, October 29, 4-5:30pm


Town Green & River Walk

Rain Date:(Sunday, October 31, 1-2:30pm)


Join the Jackson Grammar School PTO for a safe & fun community trick-or-treating event.


Please park by the Whitney Center and across from the Post Office. Participants should start trick-or-treating between 4 and 5pm to ensure adequate spacing of participants and that they will be completed by 5:30pm. Please be sure to bring your own bag for treats.


In accordance with JGS policy, we ask all participants to wear masks.


Jackson remains a welcoming community, but in light of the continuing pandemic, we are asking for this to be a JGS & Jackson event. Thank you for understanding.


Interested in staffing a table or helping out? Contact Nora Dufilho at ntbeem@yahoo.org


JGS News - October 15, 2021   


JGS's very own Joan Heysler is donning a chef coat and joining the competition in Mount Washington Valley Promotion's Valley Food Fright!  Loosely based on the Food Network show, Chopped, this version will have a fun Fall/Halloween theme and will raise money for Valley non-profits! Mrs. Heysler is cooking up her Mystery Ingredients to raise money for Tin Mountain!  

Here’s how the competition will work:

8 Valley Promotions member organizations will be in the running to win $1,000 in prize money for their programs. 

The competition will take place from October 15-19, when the chefs will receive 3 Mystery Ingredients, donated by The Valley Originals. They will prepare a hearty Fall or Halloween-inspired 3-course meal incorporating these ingredients. Twists on classics are welcomed. 

News from Jackson Public Library

Please join us on Friday, October 22, at 5:15 behind the Jackson Public Library for a Guided Storywalk Adventure!  We will hike around the approximately .3 mile Rec Trail and Children’s Librarian Meredith Piotrow will read each of the 12 Story Book pages as we go.  The story for the evening will be Dr. Seuss’s What Was I Scared Of? Please come with a flashlight and appropriate footwear as the trail may be wet in places.  For more information regarding the condition of the trail, please visit our Story Book Trails web page. All parties will be expected to follow social distancing guidelines. For more information, please call 603-383-9731 or email staff@jacksonlibrary.org.

Meredith Piotrow


Children's Librarian

Jackson Public Library 52 Main Street Jackson, NH  03846 603-383-9731 www.jacksonlibrary.org

Mrs. Heysler is super excited to get cooking for Tin Mountain Conservation Center with the mystery ingredients in the bag. Tin Mountain educators Lori Kinsey and Dexter Harding come to JGS each year to enrich and expand on the science and social studies curriculum. Ask a Kindergartner or first grader about their trip to Weston's Farm with Dexter Harding, a third grader about the planting and harvesting of the JGS potato crop with Lori Kinsey, the river study that grades 2-3-4 are pursuing with Dexter, and work that 5-6 will continue with Lori remove invasive plant species and to promote the growth of native plants on campus.Use the donation link to help us out and support everything Tin Mountain Conservation does for our kids! www.tinmountain.org/donations

Last Day of Soccer: Tuesday, October 19, 2021. Thank you to Coaches Jess, Mike, Kathleen, Marcelo, Keith and the parent helpers! Thank you, Hampton, for your help as Co-ordinator! Thank you Mr. Stokke for lining the field and the Jackson Town Crew for mowing!

Jackson PTO Family Halloween Celebration

Friday, October 29, 4-5:30pm



Help us celebrate Halloween! The Jackson Grammar School PTO is hosting a safe, socially-distanced community trick-or-treating event for the communities kids on Friday, October 29th from 4-5:30pm (All trick-or-treaters must start by 5pm). We are seeking donations of individually wrapped candy/treats for trick-o-treating stations as well as any area organizations, businesses or groups that would like to staff a table.

We would love for a JGS family (or alum family) to staff a table or two – or even set up an obstacle course by the soccer goal!

Donations for the event can be dropped off at the blue table in front of the school.

Questions? Contact Nora Dufilho (nbeem@tinmountain.org)

Dates to remember

Monday, October 18: School Board Meetings: Joint Meeting with Bartlett School Board, 5:00PM, Jackson Board meets 6:00 PM

Tuesday, October 19: Last day of Soccer

Saturday, October 30: Jackson School District Strategic Plan Presentation LINK

Friday, October 29: PTO Halloween Event - see above.

Countdown to winter sports: 12 weeks!

JGS students ski at Black Mountain Ski Area with ESSC volunteers...mostly parents!

Parents and guardians, if you want to volunteer with your child's after school sports or other activities, you will need a Criminal Background Check. All the info you need is HERE. The word amongst the Admin Assistants is that getting an appointment for finger printing is about two weeks out, with results turnaround at 3 to 4 weeks. Don't wait!

The kids learn Nordic skiing in Physical Education class and have the opportunity to ski after school with Jackson Ski Touring Foundation. Science class and PE are often conducted on snow shoes. Each of these are opportunities for parents to volunteer!

Classroom News

Work in progress: Fifth and sixth graders work on leaf projects for Mrs. Scribner's Art class in the outdoor classroom.

Work complete: Fifth and sixth graders celebrate the camp chairs they built with Mr. Marshall. A few of Mr. Marshall's students will be presenting their project during Monday's Jackson School Board meeting!

Grades 2-3-4 Potato Harvest 

Grades 2-3-4 prepared the Grade 3 potato harvest for roasting.

JGS ate our own roasted potatoes at lunch this week!

Mrs. Robert's and Ms. Kennedy's Grade 3 classes presented their harvest during this week's All School Meeting.

Ms. Kennedy's 3-4 Maps the Mind

These are the magnificent 3/4 Mind Maps! In the 3/4 we are working on fiction writing! Students were asked to determine what would be on their character's minds in terms of where their minds go when they wander. What do they think about? How do they feel? What do others think of them? Each section represents their characters overall struggles and motivations.  ~Ms. Kennedy

Mapping Lucy's First Horseback Ride

This is the Mind Map of my fiction character Lucy! Each section tells us what she is thinking and feeling. Lucy is an eleven year old girl who is going horseback riding for the first time. She is nervous and excited at the same time! My favorite part of my Mind Map is the section where I drew Lucy getting in the car to go for the first time. ~Cecilia

Saving the Golden Crunchie - a map of Finn's Mind

This is a map into Finn's mind. Finn loves to make potions, ride his giant cat Kylo, and to be alone. In my fiction story, Finn fights bad guys with Kylo and they successfully save the golden crunchie. Finn's success comes from his anger that people are trying to steal the crunchie, which is necessary for all cats to live. ~Henry

More pictures from the K1 Field Trip to The Thompson House farm and along their Pumpkin People Walk:

JGS News - October 7, 2021    

TODAY! October 7th! JGS Social Emotional and Academic Learning Night! 3 -5 PM! Hope to see you there! 

K-1 takes "walking field trips" to learn about their community! 

K-1 visited the Jackson Post Office and Postmaster Keith Henriques explained how the PO works and all about his job.

JGS K-1 visited the Jackson Fire Department and Fire Chief Jay Henry as part of learning about the people and places that make up our community.

Hatches Orchard

by Rent and Kingston

The entire second, third and fourth grade went to Hatches Orchard. The bus ride felt like an hour but it was only 40 minutes. The first thing we did was picked up apples off the ground. We are going to use these apples for cider and apple sauce at Fall Festival. Then we each picked an apple from a tree for snack by holding and twisting until it fell. Next we went on a short hike up a small mountain.  At the top we ate lunch and saw the whole valley. Finally we walked back down and got back on the bus for a 40 minute bus ride back to Jackson.

Kingston, Rent, and Mrs. Heysler, JGS Teacher, were practicing using transition words and writing informational sentences for this week's news.

PTO News

The PTO is also looking to fill two officer positions this year. The Secretary and Treasurer positions are currently vacant. If you are interested in one of these positions or would like more information contact Katie Reardon kereardon@gmail.com and/or Nora Dufilho ntbeem@yahoo.com

Next Meeting is October 14th at 3:15 and it will be in person! We will meet in the Pavilion (please wear a mask) We will also have supervision on the playground for the kids. 

We have two #weski sweatshirts left for sale. Adult small and medium $20 each. Contact Katie Reardon kereardon@gmail.com if you would like to buy one.

October Storytimes at the Jackson Public Library

Our outside storytimes with Petunia and Meredith continue at the Jackson Library!  While the tent may be gone, we will still gather in the field by the back patio, weather permitting,  at 10:30am on the first and third Thursdays of the month for stories, activities, songs, and more!  For October, that means this week on the 7th and then on the 21st..  If the weather seems wet, please check our website, jacksonlibrary.org, for updates.  Happily, the weather looks good for this week.  Also, stay tuned for information about a guided Story Walk on the Rec Trail behind the Library later this month.

 Meredith Piotrow   (she/her)    Children's Librarian     Jackson Public Library

Dates to Remember

Thursday -TODAY! JGS's first Social Emotional and Academic Learning Night starts at 3 PM. All JGS families are welcome!

Friday - No school

Monday - No school

Tuesday - Send them back!

Friday, October 15 - Student and staff flu shot clinic. Need the form? Contact Susan at s_rossparent@sau9.org.

JGS News - October 1, 2021    


Dear JGS Families,

Autumn has arrived here at JGS. Our Pumpkin People display depicting The Mitten, by Jan Brett, is ready for viewing on the front lawn. Thank you, Mrs. Cassie Gilmore, and the after school students for their fine work! Check out the QR Code!  Today, Ms. Kennedy and Mrs. Robert took the 2, 3, 4 students out to pick apples at Hatch’s Orchard, a time honored JGS tradition. Many a year the trek to Hatches Orchard was the “surprise whole school field trip!”  I wonder if they will hear the story of Johnny Appleseed…?

Another “Autumn” activity that occurred this week was the potato harvest by the third grade students who planted the crop with Lori Kinsey from Tin Mountain Conservation Center and Mrs. Robert last spring. It was quite a bountiful harvest. Ask a third grader how many they harvested. Roasted potatoes are on the menu next week!

Enjoy the weekend,


JGS third graders harvested the garden they planted as second graders last spring. 

Third graders Kingston and Henry celebrate the lone watermelon to survive until harvest.

Rent and Meryl, grade 3, show off a few of the red potatoes harvested from the school garden this week. 

Mrs. Robert's 2-3 and Mrs. Kennedy's 3-4 at THE TOP of Hatches Orchard.

Dates to Remember

Wednesday, October 6: School Picture Day!

Also October 6th - a new session of the After School Program begins! Look for the on-line sign-up on this page!

Thursday, October 7: Early Release and SEAL Night - 3-5 PM at JGS - Rain date October 14

Friday, October 8: No school, Teacher Workshop Day

Monday, October 11: Indigenous People's Day, no school

Tuesday, October 12: Come back to school!

Thursday, October 14: PTO Meeting - see flyer!

Friday, October 15: Flu Shot Clinic for students and staff - forms went home this week!

Third Wednesdays - Virtual Family Series - see poster!

For Picture Day, masks will be required (until right before the camera clicks!) and YELLOW Covid-19 Prevention Guidelines will be followed.

Hope to see you at SEAL Night! Masks will be required and YELLOW Covid-19 Prevention Guidelines will be followed. 

A new session of the After School Program starts on Wednesday, Oct. 6th! Call Susan at 383-6861 for registration details! 

ATTENTION JGS PARENTS! Be a star, like your kids! Please, please, please consider getting your Criminal Background Check started NOW. Here is the link: http://sau9.org/district/background_checks

You will need this check to be completed in order to volunteer with the after school program, after school cross-country skiing, the downhill program, accompany field trips and to (eventually) come into the classrooms. Once your CBC is on file with the SAU office, all you have to do each year is sign the letter the SAU sends and send it back. The turn-around time for background checks is rumored to be VERY LONG and as they say, Winter is coming! Don't wait! Questions? Call or email me - Susan

Thank you, JGS PTO, for the fingerless gloves. They will come in so handy for outdoor learning when the temperature drops!

JGS Copy of Virtual Family Series

JGS News - September 24, 2021

Notes from the Principal

Dear JGS families,

I was pleased to see so many of you at the JGS strategic planning meeting this week! It was wonderful to see alumni --young adults, parents and grandparents-- in addition to parents and community members in attendance! Thank you,  everyone, for your thoughtful discussions regarding the future of our special school! I look forward to meeting with the Strategic Planning Committee to analyze and collate the information to form our collective vision for the future. A draft of this plan will be shared on October 30th.

Enjoy the weekend!


A rainy day at JGS! Kiddos spent some time outdoors and got wet feet! It's a perfect time to remind parents that we will be outside as much as possible - even in less-than-perfect weather! Please send your student with appropriate outerwear (and a pair of dry socks stashed in the backpack might be a good idea!)

Soccer (and Skiing) cancellation routine

If it's nearly certain that it's going to be awful weather and we can cancel the day before, we do.

If it's not sure and it just might clear...we decide and alert by noon the day of. 

Miss Susan will send out emails to let parents know and to get student dismissal plans if they're going to differ from the routine.

From Mrs. Scribner, JGS Art Teacher:  Art classes are off to a creative start and students are settling in nicely into the routine of class. Since parents/guardians don’t have an opportunity to come into school to see all the wonderful art bulletin boards, I will be updating the art page on our school website regularly so you can see what all grades are up to! Here is a link: Art With Mrs. Scribner 

From Mrs. Hill, JGS School Counselor:  End 68 Hours of Hunger -  This popular program offers food bags to any student in SAU 9 whose family could use a little extra food over the weekend.  Kids who participate receive a bag of hearty food items to bring home on Fridays.  Our local food pantry generously adds toiletries and fresh fruit to the bags!  There is no qualifying factor and no paperwork to complete.  Simply send Victoria Hill an email at v_hill@sau9.org letting her know your family would like to participate and she'll make arrangements.   

Thursday, October 7: Early Release 

Friday, October 8: No school

Monday, October 11: Indigenous People's Day, no school

Tuesday, October 12: Come back to school!

For your easy reference, here is page 11 of the SAU 9 Re-entry Plan booklet. Click here for the whole booklet.

Coming Soon!

Picture Day is October 6th! See your child's backpack for more information! On-line ordering informatin coming soon!

Early release event- October 7 - Social Emotional & Academic Learning (SEAL) informational open house at JGS - mark your calendars! 

Flu shots - We'll have a flu shot clinic for students on Oct. 15. Details and paperwork coming soon! 

JGS News - September 17, 2021

Dates to Remember

Tuesday, Sept. 21 - Jackson Jaguar Soccer begins! Link for info 

Tuesday, Sept. 21 - Strategic Planning Listening Session - Parents, Alumni, Community Members - please attend to share your vision of JGS over the next 5 years! DETAILS Your input will guide the School Board in its decision-making!

Mrs. Groves' class visited Weston's Farm today! 

Mrs. Robert's class is working on collecting data (and reading maps) from the Wildcat River.

JGS News - September 10, 2021

Hello Jackson School Community! 

It's been only six days of school but let's reflect on what we've been doing so far:

Soccer anyone?

I have gotten several inquiries about soccer. I am proposing we ease back in with an intramural program for skill development and fun games and activities. We need at least 6 "coaches" for three age groups, A K/1 beginner group, a 2,3,4 group and a 5/6 group.   Please let Gayle know ASAP if you are willing to step into the role of soccer volunteer!