World Language
C'est une petite école avec un grand coeur Madame Klein
JGS World Language
The French Curriculum at JGS reflects the 2018 New Hampshire Guidelines for World-Ready Language Learning. In the 21st Century, the language classroom emphasizes a holistic language approach and developing students’ communicative competence. Today’s goal is teaching languages so that students can use them!
We will use songs, books, videos, images, props, skits, learning stations, movement and games in class to support learning. We will use our outdoors spaces. We will also celebrate special holidays, invite guest speakers and have some field trips. Stay tuned!
If you have any ideas or questions or would like to volunteer, please contact me:
Chorus's performance of <<L'oiseau et l'enfant>> at our UA Show was amazing! If you missed the 2/3 projects, which help us understand the meaning of this song through images, you may view them here:
Students chose the words and lyrics they liked. Students chose to say a word or line from the song for each slide. They put their artistic eye, language skills and tech skills together to create this projects with our new iPads.
Merci beaucoup 2/3 et Mrs. Engvall!
The Upper House enjoyed participating in Manie Musicale this spring. Students learned about different kinds of music from around the francophone world and made connections to their own lives through a culmunating project on the song and artist of their choice.
This year's playlist:
You can listen to all the playlists from previous Manie Musicales as well:
2/3/4 Students play memory in French, one of our strategies for acquiring new vocabulary. Students tried different methods while learning farmyard animals. Learning a new language is also learning how to learn!!
In observance of the French custom on le premier avril (April 1st), students made beautiful arc-en-ciel poissons d'avril. Students demonstrated their knowledge of les couleurs et les numeros--en français.
All classes have been learning about la galette des rois, or King Cake. This is a special treat eaten in France during the month of January. In New Orleans it is for prepared for Mardi Gras. Though these two places make the dessert very differently, they both hide une fêve (treasure) inside. Whoever finds it is le roi (king) or la reine (queen) for the day and gets to wear une couronne (crown). Ask your child about it or check out the videos below to learn more.