Soccer at JGS

Valley Cup 2023!

I have watched A LOT of soccer in my life and today confirmed why all over the world this is called "The Beautiful Game"

Quote of the day: walking away from the 3/4 championship one of the refs said "That was Wild" the other replied "yeah, crazy". That pretty much sums it up...

Congrats players and coaches!  ~ Mrs. Heysler

JGS Jaguars are the team to beat! We'll be needing parent volunteers to coach and assist with the after school soccer program - please complete the volunteer applications including criminal background checks! Depending on numbers, we'll have a youngest team, a middle grades team and an upper house team. More details, coming soon! This year's Soccer Coordinator is Owen McAndrew, JGS's After School Programming Coordinator, assisted by Heather Tower, JGS Building Aide.

We will need: volunteers who can attend practices and games. Practices are usually 2 days a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays, starting immediately after school (3:00) and running (literally) until 4:30. Game days usually start with warm ups at 3:00 and games at 4:00 at home, or travel to another school's field for a TBD time.

Here are the roles: Soccer Coordinator, Owen McAndrew - works with the school office to register players, sets up volunteer coaches, organizes and distributes uniforms,  coordinates games and refs for older teams, organizes year-end soccer game between Jags and Parents/JGS Staff. This position is a JGS staff position. Building Aide Heather Tower will assist. Coordinators are expected to attend and run soccer adult meetings, and attend practices and games. It is understood that the Coordinator may also be a coach. 

Soccer Coaches - work with the teams for skills-building and team-building. The older groups usually have matches against other schools. This is a volunteer position and starts shortly after the first day of school with a soccer adult meeting. Coaches are expected to attend practices, games, and soccer adult meetings.

Soccer Shoe and Walking Coaches - Shoe and walking coaches help classroom teachers get the players ready for the field. They will meet each group at the school, help with cleats, and walk each group to the field. 

Referees - are game officials for home games. This is a paid position. Referees working with this age group concentrate on sportsmanship and the big points of soccer. 

Fans  - JGS Jags are a blast to watch in action! Stay tuned for game dates and times!

JGS Soccer Parent Meeting Agenda.pdf
Thank you Sean Doucette for forwarding this great team photo of the 456! 

Soccer photos from the 2019 season!