Kaiser vs RUSD EPO Plan

Which plan do I choose?

The RUSD EPO and Kaiser Health plan are the District's most popular health plans due to afforable rates and plan out of pocket maximums.  All of our health plans offer comprehensive coverage, it simply comes down to personal preference and health needs.

The RUSD EPO plan, is a self insured plan that requires more "homework" from the patient.  This is an in-network ONLY plan and is solely the members responsibility to ensure that ALL doctors, specialists and facilities are considered in-network.  If services are rendered at a Non-Par or Out-of-Network provider or facility, then the member is responsible for 100% of the cost.  IMPORTANT: Please ensure that you follow the step by step instructions provided to find an in-network health professional or facility in your area.

For additional information, please review the side by side plan comparison: 2024 Medical Plan Comparisons