Selfie Still Life

The subject of this was too get three items that had meant something to your life, or connected to your life in a way, but I only ha two items that meant something to me. I picked my phone, and coffee that meant something to me because my phone I rely on everyday and same thing with the Coffee. I rely on my coffee everyday to wake me up. I used 2H and 4B pencils to do this. I originally sketched it all out, and than went over it with the 2H pencil. and then my phone was the object closest to me so I used the 4B pencils on the phone.

i used line and shape for this, because in this because i had to draw the lines to make the pure contour. I also used space by using the rule of thirds. i think that at least two thirds of the paper is covered with an object.

The only meaning to this is the objects have something to do with my life. My phone is my resource for everything and my coffee I drink everyday, and the ruler represents how I am slightly a perfectionist and I like to equally have thing spaced out and sized and this relates all to my life. If I could go back and change anything I make everything bigger and zoomed in to have more objects off the paper.