Animal Assemblage

This is my animal assemblage. I had to create a piece that was an endangered animal that had recycled items on it. I picked the Oahu tree snail. I started out with a circular piece of cardboard as my base. I then used news print to build the body and snail. I used a bunch of tape to keep everything in place. once it was the shape of the snail, I cut paint chips into triangles and placed them on the shell. I cut recycled paper into circles on the body, and then used yarn on the eyes.

I used shape, color, texture, pattern, and balance. I used shape by cutting the paint chips and recysled paper. I used color becuasee theyre all comlored. I used texture because of the shell. I used pattern with the shell by using pinks and purples, than blue and greens. I used balance by balancing the patterns.

The meaning behind this is that the Oahu tree snail is endangered. This relates to my life because snails are slow and I feel like time goes by slowly. This couldve been stronger if I took more time on it.