Extended Blind Contour

This drawing was originally done with drawing "blind". We first started with drawing with your dominant hand and drawing the non-dominant hand without looking, once done with that we moved the paper sideways, and drew our dominant hand with our non-dominant hand. we than moved the paper again and got a mirror in front of us to draw our face. we also did that with our dominant hand, and non-dominant hand. after it resulted in a pretty ugly drawing. The task after that was to make something out of the blind drawings. This was made with seven different colors. blue, green, pink, purple, yellow, red,and turquoise. I used regular markers.

I used line, shape, color, space, emphasis, and pattern. I started with lines and just connected them with a bunch of other lines, than used shape, and drew a bunch of circles and just started coloring them in with patterns and designs. I used space by not having any negative space, or very little negative space. After i went through again and found more white spots to fill in.

The meaning behind this is just kind of crazy, its obnoxious and just all over the place. This relates to my life because i feel disorganized, crazy, messy, obnoxious, but colorful! If I could go back and make this stronger i would fill in more white spaces that I'm now seeing.