
Beautiful Oops - 9/9/16

Time Capsules - 9/13/16

Lichtenstein Square - 9/19/16 Extended Blind Contour - 9/27/16

Designs and space - 10/5/16

Pure Contour - 10/13/16

Abstract Shoe - 10/17/16 Selfie Still Life - 10/25/16

Perspective - 10/31/16 Candy Still Life - 11/14/16

Mixed Media drawing - 12/1/16 Self Portrait - 12/16/16

Art History - 1/13/17 Color Study - 2/7/17

Color Design - 3/6/17

Surrealist Collage - 3/21/17

Social Issue Prints - 4/4/17

Scratch Board - 4/24/17 Animal Assemblage 5/24/17

Beautiful Oops #2 - 5/26/17 Independent Project - 6/2/17

My overall experience was actually pretty good. In this class Ive learned to use so many different techniques when draining or making any type of sculptures. A few projects Im proud of are: Extended Blind, pure contour, self portrait, color study, beautiful oops #2, and Independent project.

I like the process of starting with a paper and putting ideas on it, and narrowing down to one option. Ive always found it difficult to just come up with something to create. Once I got started with the process I got right to it. One thing I definitely struggled wth was time management. I always turned in work later than when it was due.

I met the standards by passing the class. I have learned so many things with art, Ive learned a lot of new techniques with different types of materials, and it has been a great experience. Art relates to my life because everything is art. art is all around and you can never get away from it.

Video Reflection:

Art final.mp4