Lichtenstein Square

This is a close up of a famous painting, I did my own square and everyone did a piece of the famous painting and we pieced them all together at the end. This was originally just printed and there was a dark, medium, and light. we had to look at a 1x1 square and convert it to a 5x5 square. after sketching out the lines, we had to pick three colors, one dark, medium, and light. i chose yellow as my light, blue as my medium, and pink as my dark. I used water color pencils, so i first colored with the colored pencil and than added the water to make the color emerge to other places.

I used line, color, and space. i had to use lots of lines to figure out the right adjustment from the 1x1 square to the 5x5 square. I used color with the three colors, dark, medium, and light. and i used space by having the whole thing colored and there not having any blank space. After i changed/ revised how sloppy it was. at first it was sloppy and after i cleaned it up a bit to make it more neat.

Im not sure what the meaning is to this because its a small piece of a huge piece of art work. Its actually part of a ducks wing, and the ducks beak. This kind relates to me by the colors i used. I like to use pink, blue, and yellow. They seem like happy colors to me. If I could change something next time it'd be not to rush it. It still seems pretty sloppy.