Remote Learning

Hello Kindergarten Parents, This page will be filled with resources including reading sites- RAZ Kids, French videos, fun daily challenges, and art projects from Mrs. Stein! My goal is to provide you with a variety of resources which will allow your child to continue their learning in a fun, meaningful way. Please check this page daily for updates! I will be available daily by email :)

Also, I have provided each child with a bag that contains a writing journal, fun math challenges, an Explode the Code phonics book, play dough and art supplies. I would suggest picking one activity from the bag per day.

Daily Challenge

Day 1: Tuesday, March 17

Hello Kindergartners - I am happy to connect with you and share fun things that you can work on at home. Each day you will get a list of activities and a daily challenge to complete! You are welcome to share pictures or videos with me along the way. Get ready for your first daily challenge!

Today you will be designing and building a leprechaun trap! Here are some things to think about when building your trap to catch the leprechaun: Bait- What does your leprechaun want to find? Why would he enter the trap? Next, what materials are you going to use to trap and secure him?

Here are a list of materials you can use:

straws and pipe cleaners, pot of gold, cardstock, box, stickers, glitter, signs

Draw a picture of your plan first and then begin building. Have fun creating!

Reading Websites

Scholastic home learning site:

Raz Kids: Each student has their specific login and picture icon password- Read daily and the kiddos are free to explore the other features.

Vooks- Storybooks brought to life

Art Challenge from Mrs. Stein! Send the photos of me from your creations :)

Art Challenge #1 Tony Cragg