
October 1-4, 2019

In Reader's Workshop, we read the story, Otis by Loren Long. The K-kids retold the story to a partner using key details from beginning, middle, and end.

Fun in French class working on letter C books!

In reading group these two kiddos worked on the -at family and building new words.

During music, the children are all smiles. They are learning how to play a xylophone and keep the beat on a drum. Their first performance will be on Grandparent's Day!

The students are using their October vocabulary to create spooky stories.

The kiddos are working on their dot drawings.

Watercolor Dot Art

Roycemore Day!

Having fun with a parachute on a rainy day!

October 7-11,2019

After a lesson, the K-kids read indendently with their just right books!

Stamping, building, writing, and reading popcorn (sight) words.

Learning how to separate words into syllables properly is an important step in mastering new words. The children used pictures to say and then clap out the number of syllables in each word. They enjoyed coming up with a few words on their own!

Griffin Buddies

The kiddos met their high school Griffin Buddies. They will meet with their buddies for special events throughout the year!

The Buddies created a Halloween character and wrote a story about their adventures.

Our Pumpkin investigation unit is off to a great start! Using our pumpkin chart, we discussed our schema and background knowledge, and made notes about our questions. This tool is great way to guide their learning and dive deeper into their questions.

We have continued building our number sense in math stations, guided groups, and with math journals. We are working on finding new ways to build different numbers. For example, the number 8 can be made with 8+0, 0+8, 1+7, 7+1, 6+2, 2+6, and 4+4.

Our Poetry story this week was The Itsy Bitsy Spider. We hunted for the letters e and o and identified the popcorn words, the, my, and, it and is.

October 15-18, 2019

The Grove Field Trip

This past week the Kindergartners had their first field trip to The Grove. It was a successful trip filled with fall games, a hayride, pumpkin picking, haunted trail, and a reptile center!

They were all smiles on our trip. I was impressed with how well the children listened and were respectful to one another!

Pumpkin Science Investigation- The K-kids completed a variety of experiments using their pumpkins from The Grove! They made predictions to see if their pumpkin would sink or float along with other classroom materials. They had fun seeing if their predictions were correct!

Also, the K-kids measured the height and circumference of the pumpkin using unifix cubes and a string. We practiced explaining and recording our findings just like real scientists!

October 21-25, 2019

Halloween Carnival

The kiddos had a blast dressing in costumes and playing carnvial games! We had our very own Grim Reaper, Princess Sophia, cat, witch and many more creative costumes!

During literacy stations, the children continue to practice blending sounds and reading words and adding new sight words to our list! In writing the kiddos are chopping out the sounds they hear in the word as they write sentences. We are also focusing on finger spaces between words. They are working hard and doing a great job!

In math the children continue to strengthen their number sense. We are also working on pulling out groups of 5 and building fact families to 10! In small groups, they are using manipulatives ( 5-group block) to show their thinking.

October 29- November 1, 2019

SPOOKY Science: The Upper School students invited us to the science lab for a science experiment. The children built volcanoes and predicted what would happen when they added the magic potion. The used their senses to describe the reaction of the baking soda and vinegar.

We were busy this week with three birthday celebrations, oh what fun! They decorated masks, had delicious treats, and enjoyed each other's company.

In Literacy stations the children are sorting pictures with beginning sounds, D, P, and B. Next, they are stretching out the sounds they hear to spell the word. In another center, the children are clapping syllables and recording their findings. Finally, the children will match the sentence with the corresponding picture. The sentences have many of the popcorn (sight) words we have already learned!

Spider Splat- The children had to hide the token under one of the spiders. The children had to take turns guessing by recognizing the letter sound on the card.

In math the children are using manipulatives and a tens frame to solidify their number sense and fact families of 10.

Show and Tell is a favorite in our classroom! We practice active listening and being a respectful audience member. The children enjoyed hearing about their friends adventure on vacation.