
January 6-10, 2020

Happy New Year!

During our literacy block the children practiced building words using their phonics boards. Also, the kiddos played sight word bingo to help with fluency.

Snowman directed drawing

The children presented their winter break stories to the class!

In French class, the children are learning many new vocabulary words and reciting a shared reading.

The children are diving into word families and expanding their writing knowledge.

January 16-24, 2020

We have taken a dive into our ocean unit! The K-kids are curious and eager to learn about this vast body of water and sea life. We began the week with K, W, L chart to find out our background knowledge. Also, the children made a list of questions and topics they wanted to learn more about. This chart will be a helpful tool to guide their interests and learning!

Our 8th grade buddies helped us complete are ocean scene. The children used a variety of sea life books to explore different creatures that they could create on their own. Next, they labeled the zones of the ocean. These pictures are on display in the classroom, take a look!

Did you know that sharks don't have a skeleton made of bones? Instead, they are made of cartilage, which allows them to swim through the water with ease. Also, a shark has up to 20 rows of teeth and as they fall out, a new tooth pops right in! The kiddos loved learning new shark facts and completed a Sharks- Are, Have, and Can chart!

The children are finding the missing blends by stretching out the sounds in the words. A few blends include (cr, fl, bl, st, and gr)

These students are unscrambling the words in a sentence and writing it the correct way!

This student is focused as she is working on her math skills! The counting bears are a great manipulative to use to develop a further understanding.

January 21-31,2020

The Shedd Aquarium

We had a blast visiting the Shedd Aquarium downtown Chicago! We explored the coral reefs, had a close encounter with a white tip shark, touched a sea star, and watched the dusky dolphins leap above the water. We were mesmerized by the beauty of these ocean animals!

These kiddos are working on math skills in their workbooks.

In math stations, a student estimated and then measured ocean creatures using unifx cubes.

This activity focuses on comparing two numbers using the greater than, less than and equal symbols.

In Reader's Workshop we read the story, Tacky and the Emperor. The children made connections and shared their favorite part of the story.