
March 2-6, 2020

Our reading buddies came for a visit and they read stories , drew pictures and dove into conversations. We were excited to see them!

Snowman texture paintings- The children used a variety of materials and paint to create a winter collage.

The children picked March vocabulary words to incorporate in a sentence. Our goal is to have finger spaces between words, stretching out the word to hear all of the sounds, and using lowercase letters when writing.

In this literacy station game (from our Dr, Seuss unit) one student had to hide the Cat behind a hat. Each hat has a word the partner must read first before they can flip over the card to see if the cat is hiding behind.

Phonics and word work!

At the listening station this student heard the story, Tippy, Tippy, Splash and completed an activity that identified the beginning and end of the story.

In math journals this week, the children continued recognizing subtraction problems and showing their work more than one way.

March 9-13, 2020

The Kindergartners were leaders as they toured the room with the visiting Junior Kindergarten kiddos. They were extremely proud to show off their classroom and show their JK friends what is in strore for them next year!

Our Author Study of Dr. Seuss lends itself very well to many language arts skills. We started new literacy stations this week, focusing on Dr. Seuss throughout our different activities. We discussed blends and continued to work on vowel teams! Also, we had a few activities about rhyming words. The kiddos love his fun and creative characters!

In math we took a closer look at our math facts and showing how to decompose the number in different ways. The kiddos were all given a different number and had to show numerous ways to make it. They used cubes and drew pictures to help them solve. It was fun to see how determined they were to figure out these facts on their own! Next, they wrote the equation on a Truffala Tree- these are displayed on the bulletin board outside.