Wellness Staff Resources

Hello Wellness Staff, on this page you will find resources to support students, families and staff. The page is organized by an issue or challenge students may face. If you find a resource you'd like to add to the page email cgibbs@rjuhsd.us and he will get it on the page. Enjoy!

Depression & Other Mood Disorders

What is Depression? parent, student, staff

Teen Depression (for students)

Depression Center Toolkit (for therapists)


Bipolar Disorder parent, student, staff

LGBTQ and Related Topics

Sexuality and Gender Identity parent, student, staff

Coming Out Handbook (for students)

Children and Gender Identity: Supporting Your Child (for parents)

The Trevor Project Support Center (overall support for students/families)

The Trevor Project National Survey on LGBTQ Mental Health 2019

Three videos produced by Gender Spectrum about handling gender issues, family and the holidays:

Navigating the Holidays - Sharing Information with Family and Friends (for students)

Navigating the Holidays - Preparing Your Child For The Holidays (for parents)

Navigating the Holidays - Toys and Gift Giving

The Gender Spectrum website offers a wide range of information and tools to support parents surrounding the topic of gender identity. They also offer online support groups for families, teens, and staff, click here to learn more. These groups include support for: Asian-Pacific Islander parents, relatives & caregivers raising gender diverse children, grandparents support, family support in Spanish, facilitator support group, and much much more!

Instagram Live: Gender Q&A

For Everyone: Here is a great webinar that anyone can watch to learn more about what the data says about LGBTQ+ student experiences in schools, how to support their needs, and real world strategies to support them.

Substance Use & Prevention

Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders parent, student, staff

Let's Talk About Eating Disorders parent, student, staff