To focus on student wellness is synonymous with serving the whole student.  Nationwide there is an increase in mental health awareness and statistically one in five youth is struggling with a mental health issue at any given time.   

Wellness Centers provide safe, supportive environments on school campus where students can go to discuss a variety of issues from depression, grief, self-esteem, substance use, family life and stress to dating violence and sexual identity. Through both on-campus programming and community-based partnerships, students receive coordinated, assessment, counseling/therapy and other support services to maximize student engagement and success.

We are in our fourth year having Wellness Centers on all campuses within the Roseville Joint Union High School District.  Bring Wellness to students, parents and staff has been a journey and as a program we continue to learn and grow.  The Wellness Centers are staffed by highly trained Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Family and Community  Engagement Liaisons.  To better service our schools we are in partnership with CSU, Sacramento, CSU, Chico, William Jessup University, University of San Francisco and Western Seminary University and facilitate an intern/trainee program .  Through these partnerships we are able to provide an array of services using interns and trainees to support the  Wellness Centers.  As well as Universities, we partner with local Community Based Organizations and both Placer and  Sacramento County Agencies to access additional support for students and families.