Staff Resources


 with our very own Kim Lewandowski and Amanda DeCarl

Staff Training

On any given school day one in five students will struggle with a mental health challenge, you are on the front line everyday in your classroom.   As teacher, mentor, parent, cheerleader and trusted adult to your students, information is power.    Training school staff on mental health is paramount to ensuring you know not only the warning signs but appropriate early interventions for mental health challenges you see in students. 

  Wellness Center staff have prepared 20 minute trainings to support what you see and hear from students, what it might be, how to respond, when and where to find additional resources and most importantly how to support positive mental health.  If you're interested in one of these trainings reach out to your schools Wellness Coordinator

Teen Anxiety       Teen Depression     ADHD       Suicide        Behavior Challenges      Substance Use 

Classroom Presentations

Mental health staff present information to students in the classroom setting to provide them with ways to recognize signs of developing mental health problems, address the relationship between mental health, substance abuse, and other negative coping behaviors, as well as the negative impact of stigma and cultural attitudes toward mental illness.  Because teens spend most of their day at school, it just makes sense to have mental health awareness and education become part of the curriculum. When we empower students with knowledge, and encourage dialogue, students will be able to get the help they need. 

If you would like one of these or other topics presented in your classroom contact your schools Wellness Coordinator.

Academic Stress & Test Anxiety     Stress Management During School Closure     Teen Self-Esteem     Social Media & Mental Health     Teen Substance Use

If you or a family member need help finding resources in the community we are here.  Wellness staff have vast knowledge of resources throughout our community.  If you or someone you know needs help with accessing insurance, immigration support, food insecurity, housing, mental health services etc... Stop in the Wellness Center and any of our staff can help to identify and connect you to a resource that can best help you meet your needs.  

Placer Network of Care

Sacramento 211




Your ComPsych® GuidanceResources® program offers someone to talk to and resources to consult whenever and wherever you need them.

Call: TDD: 800.697.0353 Your toll-free number gives you direct, 24/7 access to a GuidanceConsultantSM, who will answer your questions and, if needed, refer you to a counselor or other resources.

Online: App: GuidanceResources® Now Web ID:  Log on today to connect directly with a GuidanceConsultant about your issue or to consult articles, podcasts, videos and other helpful tools. 

Self-care at your fingertips — at no cost to members

Everyone needs support for total health — mind, body, and spirit. These wellness apps can help you navigate life’s challenges, and make small changes to improve your sleep, mood, relationships, and more. It’s self-care made easy, designed to help you live well and thrive.

Mental Health Matters!

We should talk about it just like we talk about physical health. Find Your Words is designed to make it easier to open up about mental health and empower more people to ask for help, take action to help themselves, and support others. On this website, you will find resources for: Helping someone else, asking for help, caring for yourself, talking with kids, and understanding depression

Helpful Articles