Application for Certificate of Eligibility (CoE) 

● Students whose residence card has expired or who are returning to school after a leave of absence must apply for a Certificate of Eligibility (CoE) and a student visa at the Japanese Embassy in their area of residence before entering Japan.

●  Both CoE and student visa are valid for 3 months after issuance. Please proceed with necessary processes so that you can enter Japan within the validity period of your COE and visa.

●  Since AY2023, the Certificate of Eligibility is issued in electronic format. After issuance, it will be uploaded to your IRIS. You can download the electronic file and bring that for a visa application.

1. Students who are returning to school in the AY2024 fall semester (currently on a leave of absence)

Please follow the instructions below and complete all required procedures by each deadline.

Students who already voluntarily returned their residence card (due to the leave of absence) / Students whose residence card has expired during their leave of absence. 

(STEP1) Complete this online form by Sunday, June 9.

(STEP2)Prepare required documents and upload them to IRIS by Wednesday, June 12.

All applicants must prepare 6 documents (①~⑥). 

◆Upload to IRIS

Statement of reasons for CoE application (A4 one page in Word format) *1

 Documents regarding your financial situation and a certificate of residence (proof of relationship of your financial supporter)

 1)Documents that show the student’s ability to support himself or herself (or be supported) financially

 2)Document(s) proving the relationship between the applicant and the person who is supporting you financially

Passport copy (main page)

One ID photo (ID photo data in JPEG or PNG format)  

◆Original documents of ⑤and ⑥ must be submitted to the International Office (How to arrange delivery of documents outside of Japan is explained below.)

Official transcript *2

Certificate of the period of leave of absence *3


*1  The statement 

1) The statement should include the following points:

・The background of your situation (what brought you to Japan, why you chose to study at Rikkyo, how you are doing at Rikkyo, etc. )

・Reasons for a CoE application

・Things you must reflect on from your academic performance ( If applicable )

・Your future plans and intentions at Rikkyo and after you leave Rikkyo

2)Typed in Microsoft Word format

3)Your statement should start with the title “Statement of Reasons” and you must indicate your student ID number/ College・Graduate College・Graduate School/ Department・Major/ Full name on the top left corner.

Events should be indicated with when. (Ex. I entered Rikkyo University in April, 2022.)

If your academic performance shows poor results, you have to write the causes, the matters you had, how you overcome the matters on leave of absence, how you settle your matters, and how you make effort not to repeat the same problems, etc. You need to describe these points in details.

You also need to describe your specific course plans to complete your degree, advance your study/research, plans after you complete your degree at Rikkyo. You have to explain why you should deserve a student visa again.

Please refer to the following sample properly. 

*2  Ordering transcript online

If you are outside of Japan or under special circumstances and cannot come to school, please contact International Office in advance and order your transcript.

Please enter the information according to the following website.

*3  You can order your certificate online as well as transcript.

Since there is no “Certificate of the period of leave of absence” option on the webpage, please choose Certificate of Period of School Attendance. you also need to indicate some instructions in the "Notes" column as below. 


(Please specify my whole period of leave of absence)


(Please specify the period of leave of absence as “the period of leave of absence is from MMM(Month), YYYY(Year)  to  MMM(Month), YYYY(Year)” )

※You must indicate the above instructions (both ①and②).

①Mailing Address

Please enter the information about International Office (These certificates need to be delivered to International Office).

Country: Japan

Postal code: 171-8501

Address: 3-34-1 Nishi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo Japan

Name: International Office, Regular Students group

②Need for Express Post: No

③Do you need “sealed and signed envelopes?”: No

④Notes: “Already consulted International Office.”

*The following sentences are required only when you order Certificate of period of leave of

absence at the same time.


(「休学期間はYYYY年M月よりYYYY年M月(from MMM,YYYY to MMM. YYYY)であること


You need to enter all required fields from "Applicant data" if you haven't entered your personal information to  IRIS yet.

Please upload each document above to the relevant parts of "Document" section. 

※Please upload your “Certificate of the period of leave of absence" to "Other" section.

When you have completed update (including uploads of the documents), click the "Registration completion."

We examine your update and will contact you if necessary.

2. Students whose period of stay expired during outside of Japan and before re-entering /Students whose re-entry permit has expired

Students whose period of stay expired while outside of Japan and before re-entering are required to complete the same procedures as "1. Students who are returning to school in the AY2024 fall semester (currently on a leave of absence)."

◎Students who have a valid residence card and will re-enter Japan within one year of their departure from Japan. 

⇒No need to apply for a CoE and please proceed with the re-entry procedures.
