Science K - Energy Videos

Please note that due to the curricula of the energy units in kindergarten and grade one being very similar, you may want to take a look at the Science 1 resources if you find this page rather limited. 

The Ways That Objects Move

Describing Motion

Duration: 1:27

Synopsis: In less than 90 seconds, this video gives some great examples of the various types of motion that objects may have. You may consider muting the video, have your students watch it once from beginning to end (while muted), and then repeat the video as you pause it to talk about each of the examples of types of motion in this video. 

Examples of Uniform Circular Motion

Duration: 1:26

Synopsis: This video can be used as a starting point for you to choose one (or more) of these examples of circular motion, and discuss how circular motion is very different than linear motion. The five examples included in the video, (should you want to have a discussion with your class first,) are a Ferris wheel, a ceiling fan, a merry-go-round, a CD/vinyl, and a helicopter rotor.  

Why Do Boomerangs Come Back?

Duration: 2:43

Synopsis: Though this Q & A video was likely written for slightly older students, including words such as "gyroscopic" and "degrees," what really stands out in this video are two key pieces that leave it as a recommendation for Science K. The first of these are the association of the boomerang with an airplane propeller--this will help students to understand why a boomerang can fly well. The second, and more important part of this video is the part from 1:30 - 1:50 where we get to see the curved motion of a boomerang slowed down; this part really accentuates the curved motion of a boomerang.

The Movement of Humans and Animals

Animals on the Move

Duration: 1:55

Synopsis: Though this video may seem a little short to go through all the various types of motion that can be found in animals, it does do a really good job of quickly recapping most of the unique forms of motion found in animals. 

Animal Structures for Movement

Duration: 2:22

Synopsis: With both this video and the one above it being made by the same company, there is actually very little overlap in content, as this video really looks at the structures needed for unique animal movement. Though this is not part of the 2023 Alberta curriculum, it does really help students to understand and rationalize why animals have such unique forms of movement. 

Balance on One Foot

Duration: 2:27

Synopsis: The song "Balance on One Foot" places an emphasis on the balance on one foot, but at the same time, is a song has over a dozen different types of human movement that all of your students can participate in. 

Learn About Movement Patterns

Duration: 3:33

Synopsis: Taken from the ABC Network--the Australian Broadcasting Corporation--this video specifically focuses on three actions: hopping, jumping, and spinning. The video, if you playing it all the way through, brings in some sliding as well. This is a great activity for your whole class to take part in if you have the room.

Move and Freeze - Animal Edition

Duration: 6:51

Synopsis: This is a great collection of various movements associated with different animals put to music. The only point worth mentioning about this video is that about two--thirds of the way through the whole video there is a segue to a game where you imagine to jump and balance. Luckily you return to the original theme of emulating the movement of all sorts of animals.

Shake Our Sillies Out

Duration: 2:06

Synopsis: It would appear that Australian television knows how to get movement of children into their programming. Though credit certainly needs to go to Raffi for writing this song that really brings in types of movement, the video of him performing this song doesn't have the same touch as four Elvis impersonators.