Science 3 - Matter Books

Indigenous Uses of Natural Materials

The Giving Tree: A Retelling of a Traditional Métis Story

"The Giving Tree: A Retelling of a Traditional Métis Story" by Leah Marie Dorion is a heartfelt retelling of a traditional Métis tale that emphasizes the virtues of generosity and gratitude. Through vibrant illustrations and gentle storytelling, it narrates the story of a tree that gives unconditionally to the people and animals around it, teaching the importance of giving back to nature and living in harmony with the Earth. This book not only introduces young readers to Métis culture and the water cycle, but also conveys universal lessons about the reciprocal relationship between humans and the natural world.


 The Water Walker

"The Water Walker" by Joanne Robertson is an inspiring children’s book that tells the true story of Nokomis Josephine Mandamin, an Ojibwe grandmother who walked around the Great Lakes to raise awareness about water conservation and the importance of protecting the water for future generations. Beautifully illustrated, it combines environmental activism with indigenous wisdom, showing young readers the significance of water to all life and the power of individual action in stewarding the environment. Through Robertson's narrative, readers are encouraged to respect and protect our natural resources, inspired by a remarkable journey of love, commitment, and environmental advocacy.


We Are Water Protectors

"We Are Water Protectors" by Carole Lindstrom, illustrated by Michaela Goade, is a powerful and beautifully illustrated children's book inspired by the indigenous-led movements across North America to protect water resources. The story is told through the eyes of a young indigenous girl who calls on readers of all ages to join the fight against the "black snake" that threatens to poison her people's water. This book serves as both a rallying cry for environmental activism and a celebration of indigenous culture, emphasizing the vital role of water in sustaining life and the importance of protecting it for future generations.


Solids, Liquids, and Gases

Bartholomew and the Oobleck

"Bartholomew and the Oobleck" by Dr. Seuss is a whimsical tale set in the Kingdom of Didd, where King Derwin grows bored of the same old weather and demands something new: oobleck. Unlike anything else, oobleck is a green, sticky substance that falls from the sky and causes chaos throughout the kingdom. Through the adventures of Bartholomew Cubbins, the young page who must find a solution, this classic story combines imaginative storytelling with a subtle lesson on the importance of appreciating what we have and the dangers of greed, while also exploring a chemical that is possibly interpreted as being both a sticky liquid and solid.


Internet Archive Library:

Change It!

"Change It! Solids, Liquids, Gases and You" by Adrienne Mason, illustrated by Claudia Dávila, is an educational book designed to introduce young readers to the basic principles of the states of matter—solids, liquids, and gases—through interactive examples and simple experiments. The book encourages children to explore and understand the physical world around them by observing and experimenting with everyday objects and substances, thereby making complex scientific concepts accessible and engaging for a young audience.

YouTube (English):

Internet Archive Library (French):


"Matter" by Andi Diehn, part of the "Inquire & Investigate" series, is designed for young readers with a budding interest in science, offering an in-depth look at the physical substance of the universe. Through engaging text, illustrations, and hands-on activities, Diehn explains the concepts of matter, its different states (solid, liquid, gas), and how it changes form through chemical and physical processes. This educational book encourages exploration and critical thinking, making complex scientific principles accessible and fun for middle school-aged readers eager to learn more about the world around them.


Matter Comes in All Shapes

"Matter Comes in All Shapes" is an educational book that introduces the concept of matter and its various states to young readers in a fun and accessible way. It explores the diversity of solids, liquids, gases, and even plasmas, explaining how matter can change from one state to another through real-world examples and engaging experiments. This book encourages children to observe and experiment with the world around them, fostering a deeper understanding of the fundamental principles of physical science. It is worth noting that it is quite likely that the YouTube link below takes you to a computer that is reading the book (as most humans don't read a table of contents from top-to-bottom), but it was the only reading of the book I could find.

YouTube (Read Aloud):

Internet Archive Library:

Matter: See It, Touch It, Taste It, Smell It

"Solids, Liquids, and Gases" by Ginger Garrett provides an accessible introduction to the three main states of matter for early readers. Using simple language and clear, colorful illustrations, the book explains the characteristics of solids, liquids, and gases, and presents examples that children encounter in their daily lives. It's designed to engage young learners' curiosity about the natural world and encourage them to explore scientific concepts through observation and inquiry.


Internet Archive Library:

Solids, Liquids, Gases, and Plasma

"Solids, Liquids, Gases, and Plasma" by David A. Adler is an informative children's book that expands upon the traditional three states of matter to include plasma, providing a more comprehensive look at the subject. Through clear explanations and engaging illustrations, Adler explains the characteristics of each state of matter and introduces the concept of plasma, the fourth state of matter, in a way that is accessible and intriguing for young readers. The book aims to deepen understanding of the physical world by exploring the properties and behavior of matter in its various forms, encouraging curiosity and scientific inquiry.


SPLAT!: Wile E. Coyote Experiments With States of Matter

"SPLAT!: Wile E. Coyote Experiments with States of Matter" is part of a series that combines classic cartoon characters with educational content, specifically designed to engage young readers in the fundamentals of science. In this book, the infamous Wile E. Coyote applies the principles of physics, particularly focusing on solids, liquids, and gases, in his relentless pursuit of the Road Runner. Through a series of humorous and imaginative experiments gone awry, readers are introduced to scientific concepts and the properties of matter, making learning both fun and memorable. Though the reading level of the entire book might be a bit above grade three, there are many illustrations and examples in this book that are well suited for grade three. What else is really great about this book is how it separates states of matter from changes in state.

Internet Archive Library:

States of Matter: A Question and Answer Book

"States of Matter: A Question and Answer Book" is an educational resource designed to introduce young readers to the fundamental concepts of physics, focusing on the states of matter: solids, liquids, and gases. Through a straightforward question-and-answer format, this book explains how matter changes between these states due to various conditions like temperature and pressure. It aims to make complex scientific ideas accessible and engaging for children, encouraging curiosity and exploration through clear explanations and captivating illustrations.

Internet Archive Library:

SuperScience: Solids, Liquids, and Gases

"SuperScience: Solids, Liquids, and Gases" is an engaging educational book that dives into the fascinating world of matter and its three main states. Aimed at young learners, the book combines vivid illustrations with accessible text to explain the properties of solids, liquids, and gases, and how matter changes state under different conditions. Through interactive experiments and real-world examples, it encourages children to explore and understand the scientific principles behind the behavior of matter in a fun and interactive way. Even though this book is written slightly above the average reading level in grade three, it has a number of simple experiments that you may find most useful in your grade three science class.

Internet Archive Library:

What Is The World Made Of?

"What Is the World Made Of? All About Solids, Liquids, and Gases" by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld, part of the Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science series, demystifies the concepts of solids, liquids, and gases for young readers through clear, engaging explanations and vibrant illustrations. The book provides a comprehensive introduction to the states of matter, using relatable examples and simple experiments to illustrate how matter changes form under different conditions. It's designed to spark curiosity and encourage kids to observe and question the physical world around them.


Internet Archive Library (only available for people with print disabilities):

Various Books on the States of Matter and Changes of State

As you can see at this link, there are over 100 books that are considered written at an elementary level on the changes of state and states of matter. Please take a look here if you would like any further reading on this topic for your students.

Internet Archive Library: Books on State of Matter and Changes of State

The Water Cycle

 All The Water In The World

"All the Water in the World" by George Ella Lyon, with illustrations by Katherine Tillotson, is a vibrant and poetic exploration of water's journey through the world, from rain to rivers, to the vast oceans, and back again through the water cycle. The book combines lyrical text with dynamic and colorful illustrations to convey the importance of water in all its forms and the critical role it plays in sustaining life on Earth. It also touches on the concept of water conservation, encouraging young readers to appreciate and protect this precious resource.


Internet Archive Library (only available for people with print disabilities):

 Did A Dinosaur Drink This Water?

"Did a Dinosaur Drink This Water?" by Robert E. Wells is an engaging children's book that delves into the fascinating concept of the water cycle and the idea that the water we drink today has been around for millions of years. Through playful illustrations and simple, clear explanations, Wells introduces young readers to the endless journey of water through evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. This book encourages curiosity about the natural world, teaching children about the conservation and importance of water, while entertaining the possibility that the same water once quenched the thirst of dinosaurs.


Internet Archive Library:

 Down Comes The Rain

"Down Comes the Rain" by Franklyn M. Branley offers a clear and informative look at how rain is formed and the basics of the water cycle. Through engaging illustrations and straightforward explanations, Branley demystifies the processes of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation for young readers. This book is designed to inspire curiosity about the natural world, explaining the science behind the rain that falls from the sky and its importance to Earth's ecosystems.


Internet Archive Library (only available for people with print disabilities):


"Drop: An Adventure Through the Water Cycle" is a dynamic and educational children's book that takes readers on a journey with a drop of water named Drop as it travels through the various stages of the water cycle. From soaring high in the sky as vapor to plunging into the depths of the ocean and freezing into ice, Drop experiences the essential processes of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and collection firsthand. Through Drop's adventures, young readers are introduced to complex scientific concepts in an accessible, engaging, and visually captivating way, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of the natural world.


A Drop Around The World

"A Drop Around the World" by Barbara Shaw McKinney, illustrated by Michael S. Maydak, takes young readers on a global journey with a single drop of water named Drop as it travels through various stages of the water cycle. From the steamy vapors of the Amazon to the icy surfaces of glaciers, Drop transforms into mist, ice, and rain, touching lives, ecosystems, and cultures around the planet. This beautifully illustrated book educates children about the interconnectedness of Earth's water systems and the vital role water plays in sustaining life, all while fostering a sense of global stewardship and wonder.


Internet Archive Library:

Fairy Science: Solid, Liquid, Gassy

"Fairy Science" by Ashley Spires is a charming and witty children's book that centers on Esther, a fairy with a passion for science. Unlike her fellow fairies who rely on magic, Esther uses scientific methods to solve problems, demonstrating the importance of questioning and experimentation. Through engaging storytelling and delightful illustrations, the book encourages young readers to explore the wonders of science, notably through investigations of the water cycle, in their everyday lives. This book promotes curiosity, critical thinking, and the joy of discovery.


Magic School Bus: At The Waterworks

"Drop: An Adventure Through the Water Cycle" is a dynamic and educational children's book that takes readers on a journey with a drop of water named Drop as it travels through the various stages of the water cycle. From soaring high in the sky as vapor to plunging into the depths of the ocean and freezing into ice, Drop experiences the essential processes of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and collection firsthand. Through Drop's adventures, young readers are introduced to complex scientific concepts in an accessible, engaging, and visually captivating way, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of the natural world.


Internet Archive Library:

Water Is Water

"Water Is Water: A Book About the Water Cycle" by Miranda Paul, illustrated by Jason Chin, is a beautifully illustrated, poetic exploration of the water cycle and its various states from steam to ice, to mist and clouds. Through a series of seamless transitions, the book follows the journey of water throughout the seasons, showcasing its transformations and the impact it has on the environment and living creatures. This engaging narrative not only educates young readers about the scientific processes involved in the water cycle but also encourages an appreciation for water's vital role in our world.


Internet Archive Library (only available for people with print disabilities):

 Various Books on the Water Cycle

There is a good variety of books that can be found here that have a fairly wide breadth of reading levels. This can really help when you have a range of reading levels within your class. It may also help if you are looking for resources in French or Spanish, as there are books in both of those languages that can be found here.

Internet Archive Library :  Books on the Water Cycle / Hydrological Cycle