Science 1 - Earth Systems Books


And Then It's Spring

"And Then It's Spring" by Julie Fogliano is a beautifully crafted picture book that encapsulates the hopeful waiting that marks the transition from winter to spring. Illustrated by Erin E. Stead, the story follows a young boy and his dog as they plant seeds in the barren, brown earth and wait eagerly for the signs of spring. The text, subtle and poetic, coupled with delicate illustrations, captures the slow yet wondrous emergence of green shoots and the transformation of the landscape. This tender tale not only teaches children about the patience required in the growth processes and changes of the seasons but also celebrates the rejuvenation and renewal that spring brings.


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Do I Have to Wear a Coat?

"Do I Have to Wear a Coat?" by Rachel Isadora is an engaging picture book that explores seasonal clothing choices through the eyes of a young child. In this story, the protagonist asks their mother whether they need to wear a coat each day, leading to a broader discussion about the weather and appropriate attire for different seasons. Through vibrant illustrations and simple text, the book shows the child learning about the characteristics of spring, summer, fall, and winter, and why certain weather conditions make it necessary to wear specific types of clothing. This book not only teaches about the seasons but also helps children understand the practical aspects of weather-related decision-making.


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Fall Leaves

"Fall Leaves" by Loretta Holland is a beautifully illustrated book that captures the essence of autumn through both its visuals and evocative text. The book pairs gentle, poetic phrases with educational notes, exploring the changes that occur in the natural world as summer transitions into fall. It discusses the science behind why leaves change color, the migration of birds, and the preparation of animals for winter. This engaging and informative read is perfect for children and adults alike, offering a deeper appreciation of the season's dynamic transformations and the cycle of life in nature.


Fletcher and the Falling Leaves

"Fletcher and the Falling Leaves" by Julia Rawlinson is a touching story about a young fox named Fletcher who becomes worried as he sees his favorite tree losing leaves as autumn approaches. Fletcher tries various comical and heartfelt efforts to help the tree keep its leaves, not fully understanding the natural cycle at play. The richly colored illustrations bring to life Fletcher’s journey through the changing seasons, emphasizing his emotional connection to the environment around him. This charming book teaches children about the seasonal adaptations of trees—shedding leaves in preparation for winter—and highlights the importance of accepting and understanding natural changes.


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Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring

"Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring" by Kenard Pak is a delightful children's book that personifies the transition from winter to spring. As a young boy takes a walk through various landscapes, he engages in conversations with elements of nature, such as melting brooks, blooming flowers, and chirping birds, welcoming them to a new season. The illustrations beautifully capture the melting of snow and the emergence of greenery, showcasing how the environment changes with the seasons. This book teaches young readers about the cyclical nature of seasons, emphasizing how each season impacts the natural world and how these changes are celebrated and observed by both flora and fauna.


Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn

"Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn" by Kenard Pak is a gentle and visually striking children's book that narrates the transition from the lush, vibrant days of summer to the crisp, colorful arrival of autumn. Through the eyes of a young girl walking through her neighborhood and nearby woods, readers observe the changing colors of the leaves, the cooler air, and animals preparing for the colder months ahead. As she greets the elements of nature, they respond, sharing how they change and adapt to the approaching season. This book effectively teaches young readers about the cyclical nature of seasons, emphasizing how environmental changes affect both flora and fauna, and it fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation of the autumn season.


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Goodbye Autumn, Hello Winter

"Goodbye Autumn, Hello Winter" by Kenard Pak is a charming children's book that depicts the gradual change from autumn to winter. In this beautifully illustrated tale, a brother and sister take a leisurely walk through their neighborhood, greeting all the signs of the approaching winter, from the frost-covered trees to the animals preparing for the cold. As they engage with their surroundings, the environment responds, describing how it transforms with the cooling temperatures and shorter days. This book helps young readers understand the cyclical patterns of the seasons, teaching them about the specific changes that occur in nature as autumn gives way to winter, such as animals migrating or hibernating, and leaves falling to prepare for snow.


The Leaf That Wouldn't Leave

"The Leaf That Wouldn’t Leave" by Trish Trinco is a children's book that tells the story of a stubborn leaf who refuses to accept the arrival of autumn and clings to its tree despite the changing seasons. Throughout the tale, the leaf observes the transformation of its fellow leaves and the world around it, from lush greenery to the rich colors of fall, and eventually the onset of winter's chill. The leaf’s journey is a metaphor for understanding and accepting change, especially the inevitable transitions that nature undergoes. This book teaches young readers about the seasonal cycle of trees and leaves in a way that also touches on themes of resilience and adaptation, helping children grasp the natural order in a relatable and poignant manner.

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The Leaf Thief

"The Leaf Thief" by Alice Hemming is a humorous and engaging story that follows Squirrel as he notices that leaves are missing from his favorite tree, leading him to become increasingly paranoid about who the "leaf thief" might be. With the help of his friend Bird, Squirrel navigates his frustration and confusion, only to realize that the natural process of the leaves falling in autumn is to blame. The book's lively illustrations and amusing narrative capture the essence of seasonal change and the initial misunderstandings one might have about it. Through this playful mystery, "The Leaf Thief" teaches children about the autumn season and the natural, cyclical phenomenon of leaf fall, helping them understand and appreciate the rhythms of nature.


YouTube (the alternative version):

YouTube (animated version):

Leif and the Fall

"Leif and the Fall" by Allison Sweet Grant and Adam Grant is a charming children's book that addresses themes of problem-solving and adaptation through the lens of the changing seasons. The story follows Leif, a small leaf who is afraid of falling from his tree as autumn approaches. To avoid his inevitable descent, Leif devises various strategies with the help of his friends, attempting to stay attached to his branch despite the season's changes. This narrative gently introduces young readers to the concept of autumn and the natural cycle of leaves, while also teaching valuable lessons about facing fears and embracing change.


Listen, Listen

"Seasons" by Hannah Pang is an engaging children's book that explores the four seasons and their impact on the environment. The book is beautifully illustrated by Clover Robin and takes readers on a journey through spring, summer, autumn, and winter, explaining the changes that each season brings to flora, fauna, and the daily lives of people around the world. Each section of the book provides insights into how animals adapt to the changing seasons, how weather patterns shift, and how these changes affect ecosystems. By emphasizing the cyclical nature of seasons and their influence on both natural and human-made environments, "Seasons" helps young readers understand the dynamic and interconnected systems that make up the Earth’s environments.


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Mouse Seasons

"Mouse Seasons" by Leo Lionni is a delightful book that follows a little mouse as it experiences the changes brought by each season. Through simple, charming narratives and vibrant illustrations, the mouse discovers the unique aspects of spring, summer, autumn, and winter—from the blooming flowers of spring to the quiet snowfalls of winter. The book teaches young readers about the cyclical nature of seasons and the different activities and changes in the environment that each one brings. "Mouse Seasons" encourages children to question, as the first half of the book is filled with questions being asked by the main character.


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Outside In

"Outside In" by Deborah Underwood, illustrated by Cindy Derby, is a reflective children’s book that explores the relationship between the indoors and the natural world. Through lyrical text and ethereal watercolor illustrations, the book delves into how nature's presence is felt inside our homes, from sunlight streaming through windows to the rain's pitter-patter on the roof. It encourages readers to notice and appreciate these connections, even when they are indoors. By focusing on the subtle ways the seasons influence our indoor environment—like the changing light and the sounds of weather—this book teaches children about the continuous interaction between the indoor and outdoor worlds and highlights the omnipresence of nature’s cycles.



"Seasons" by Hannah Pang is an engaging children's book that explores the four seasons and their impact on the environment. The book is beautifully illustrated by Clover Robin and takes readers on a journey through spring, summer, autumn, and winter, explaining the changes that each season brings to flora, fauna, and the daily lives of people around the world. Each section of the book provides insights into how animals adapt to the changing seasons, how weather patterns shift, and how these changes affect ecosystems. By emphasizing the cyclical nature of seasons and their influence on both natural and human-made environments, "Seasons" helps young readers understand the dynamic and interconnected systems that make up the Earth’s environments.

A Stroll Through The Seasons

"A Stroll Through the Seasons" by Kay Barnham is a delightful exploration of the changing seasons, designed to engage young readers and help them understand the natural world. Through vibrant illustrations and simple, informative text, the book takes readers on a journey through spring, summer, autumn, and winter, detailing the unique characteristics and activities associated with each season. It teaches children about how plants, animals, and weather patterns change throughout the year. This book is a great link to Science 2 in its explanation for seasons being related to the tilt of the earth, which is a topic they will learn more about next year.


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The Very Last Leaf

"The Very Last Leaf" by Stef Wade is a charming children's book that takes a unique perspective on the life of a leaf named Lance who is the last leaf to fall from his tree in autumn. As a top student at the Academy of Wind, Lance fears falling and failing his final exam. Throughout the story, readers follow Lance's journey as he grapples with his fears and eventually learns the importance of letting go when his time comes. This book not only personifies nature in a creative way but also teaches children about the autumn season and the life cycle of leaves, illustrating the natural processes of change and growth in a way that resonates with young readers' experiences of facing and overcoming fears.


Migration, Hibernation, and Other Adaptations

Going Home: The Mystery of Animal Migration

"Going Home: The Mystery of Animal Migration" by Marianne Berkes is an educational children's book that delves into the fascinating world of animal migration. Illustrated with vivid, colorful images, the book introduces young readers to various animals, including whales, birds, butterflies, and even caribou, explaining why and how they migrate vast distances every year. Each page provides engaging facts about the specific adaptations these animals have developed to navigate, survive, and thrive during their long journeys. This book not only teaches about the biological imperatives of migration but also highlights the remarkable instincts and physical capabilities evolved by different species to meet their lifecycle needs.


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Hiders Seekers Finders Keepers

"Hiders Seekers Finders Keepers" by Jessica Kulekjan is a captivating children's book that explores the game of hide and seek from the perspective of various animals and their unique adaptations. The story showcases different creatures, such as chameleons, rabbits, and octopuses, each using their specialized skills like camouflage, burrowing, and blending into their environments to hide effectively. As the animals engage in this playful activity, young readers learn about the adaptations that help these creatures survive predators and environmental challenges in the wild. This book is not only entertaining with its hide-and-seek theme but also educational, providing insights into the natural world and the importance of adaptations in animal behavior.

I Don't Want to Go To Sleep!

"I Don't Want to Go to Sleep" by Dev Petty is a humorous and engaging children's book that follows the story of Frog, who is adamant about not wanting to go to sleep for the winter. As Frog argues against hibernation, his friends try to convince him of the benefits, explaining why various animals hibernate and how it helps them survive the cold season. Through this playful dialogue and delightful illustrations, readers learn about the adaptation of hibernation and the reasons it is crucial for the survival of many species. The book not only educates young readers on this natural biological process but also addresses the themes of resistance and acceptance in a light-hearted, relatable manner.


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Mystery of the Monarchs

"Mystery of the Monarchs" by Barb Rosenstock is a beautifully illustrated children's book that explores the extraordinary migration journey of monarch butterflies. The story follows the monarchs as they make their epic annual journey from North America to the forests of central Mexico, a phenomenon that remains a bit of a scientific mystery. Through this narrative, readers learn about the incredible adaptations that enable monarchs to undertake such a long and perilous trip, including their unique navigational skills and the physiological changes they undergo to survive. The book not only highlights the beauty and resilience of these creatures but also emphasizes the importance of environmental conservation to ensure their survival.


Old Bear

"Old Bear" by Kevin Henkes is a heartwarming picture book that tells the story of an old bear who hibernates through the winter. As he sleeps, Old Bear dreams of the various seasons from his youth, each bringing back vivid memories of spring flowers, summer fish, autumn leaves, and winter snow. The illustrations beautifully capture the essence of each season through the bear’s dreams, providing a whimsical and nostalgic journey through the year. This book not only teaches young readers about the concept of hibernation as an adaptation for survival in cold weather but also celebrates the changing seasons and the natural cycle of life.


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Over and Under the Snow

"Over and Under the Snow" by Kate Messner, illustrated by Christopher Silas Neal, is a captivating exploration of the secret world beneath the snow, known as the subnivean zone. The story follows a child and their parent as they ski over the snowy landscape, discussing the animals living under their feet. Through the journey, readers learn about the various creatures like foxes, squirrels, and deer, and how they survive the harsh winter by finding food and shelter beneath the snow. This beautifully illustrated book not only teaches about the adaptations animals make to endure the cold but also highlights the wonders of the winter season and the activity hidden just out of sight.


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Snow Rabbit, Spring Rabbit

"Snow Rabbit, Spring Rabbit: A Book of Changing Seasons" by Il Sung Na is a visually striking and poetic exploration of how animals adapt to the changing seasons. Through the journey of a curious rabbit observing its surroundings, the book highlights various animals and their unique behaviors as they prepare for winter and then transition into spring. The rabbit witnesses birds flying south, bears hibernating, and squirrels gathering nuts, each adaptation presented with lush, colorful illustrations. This engaging narrative not only teaches young readers about the seasonal behaviors of animals but also celebrates the cycle of nature in a gentle, enchanting way.


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Winged Wonders

"Winged Wonder" by Meeg Pincus is an inspiring children's book that tells the story of Sara Dykman, a scientist who bicycles over 10,000 miles to follow and study the migration of monarch butterflies. The narrative showcases the incredible journey of both Sara and the butterflies, highlighting the challenges they face and the adaptations that allow monarchs to complete their annual migration. Through detailed illustrations and engaging text, the book teaches readers about the biological and behavioral adaptations of monarch butterflies, such as their ability to use the sun to navigate and their unique lifecycle changes. "Winged Wonder" not only educates about these fascinating creatures but also encourages environmental stewardship and the importance of scientific research in understanding and protecting wildlife.


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Winter Sleep: A Hibernation Story

"Winter Sleep: A Hibernation Story" by Sean Taylor invites readers into the cozy world of winter adaptations through the tale of a child exploring the concept of hibernation. Guided by Grandma, the protagonist learns about various animals and their strategies for surviving the cold winter months. The book provides detailed insights into how creatures like bats, bears, and even fish slow down their bodies and conserve energy to make it through until spring. Illustrated with warmth and charm, this story not only teaches children about the biological necessity of hibernation but also fosters a sense of wonder about the natural adaptations that animals have evolved to cope with seasonal changes.


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Winter's Coming

"Winter's Coming" by Jan Thornhill is a beautifully illustrated story that follows a young snowshoe hare named Lily as she experiences her first autumn and prepares for the upcoming winter. As Lily notices the changes in her environment—leaves turning colors, days growing shorter—she visits various animals to see how they are getting ready for the cold season. Through her encounters, readers learn about different seasonal adaptations, such as migration, hibernation, and food storage. This educational book not only teaches children about the behaviors and strategies animals use to survive winter but also fosters an appreciation for the cycle of seasons and nature's resilience.


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Other Books on Migration and Hibernation

There are many other books availible for viewing about the topics of hibernation and migration at a wide array of elementary reading levels. Here are two links to see such collections of books:

Internet Archive Library: Migration Books

Internet Archive Library: Hibernation Books