
Goal of this section

Educators act for a more just education system and for the common good of all. Educators aim to identify and change policies and practices that harm students, families, and communities (e.g. zero-tolerance policies, punitive classroom management practices, disproportionality in discipline, etc.). This includes empowering the voices of students, families, and educators to collectively address inequity and restore peace in the learning community while advocating for change.

reframing-classroom- management.pdf

Reframing Classroom Management

(~15-minute read)

Making Connections With Greetings at The Door

(~3 minute watch)

While watching this video think about:

Principles and Practice of Restorative Circles

(~15-minute read)

After completing this reading take some time to read, review these questions and reflect on your own restorative practices.



Advocacy Competencies Self-Assessment (ACSA) Survey

(~10-minute activity)

After completing this reading take some time to complete, review these questions and reflect on your results.


Historical Context of Education Posters

(~10-minute activity)

Read each poster highlighting the historical context of public education in the US. Identify 2 posters that resonate with you the most (e.g., caused a feeling or reaction or sparked an interest or personal story). 

After selecting your 2 posters review these questions to guide your reflection of your thoughts while perusing the stories.

Historical Context Activity Posters.pdf

Tribal Sovereignty Curriculum Guiding Principles 

Read through these guiding principles and think about how you can apply these if your lesson guides and classroom space.

1. Teach with multiple perspectives 

2. Focus on the tribal group(s) closest to the school first. 

3. Deal with real-life, sometimes controversial issues. 

4. Connect the head with the heart with the hands for learning. 

5. Recognize that culture is dynamic and always evolving. 

6. Stress the resiliency of Native cultures, despite intentional oppression and neglect. 

7. Emphasize that co-responsibility for change involves developing allies who know how to take action.
(rev. 10/15)

Checkpoint Reflection:

Advocacy is June's Topic for the
Equity Monthly Question Series

(~10-minute activity)

What will you do to take a meaningful pause on what advocacy looks and means to you? 


Review these CREED Excerpts

(~20-Minute Activity)

To the right are excerpts from the Leading with Equity: Culturally Responsive Education Expectations Districtwide (CREED)- RC.6, RC.7, RC.9, RC.10, I.1. Please review the excerpts below using the following questions to reflect on these targets and your own practice:

Additional Resource:

University of Puget Sound School of Education Website

Recommended Readings: