Purpose of the
Cultural Competency, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (CCDEI)
standards initiative

Fostering Educational Equity Through Reflection, Responsiveness, and Relationships:

The mission of the Race & Pedagogy Institute is to educate students and teachers at all levels to think critically about race, cultivate terms and practices for societal transformation, and act to eliminate racism. In these sessions and online modules, we will engage the Cultural Competency Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (CCDEI) Standards for Educators. These standards are organized into four domains: 1) Understanding Self and Others, 2) Student, Family, and Community Engagement, 3) Learning Partnerships, and 4) Leading for Educational Equity.

Learning Objectives:

1. Participants will engage in equity and culturally responsive conversations relating to public education and school district climate and culture.

2. Participants will name strategies and action steps to implement inclusive practices to promote a positive culture, climate, and academic achievement.