
Collaboration vs. Cooperation

Collaboration is a process of working with others to create something new. The output could be a service, product, or artwork, but collaborative processes always create.

Cooperation is the process of working with others for a common benefit. People assist each other and can expect the same in return.

Family Engagement

Family Engagement: Family and Community Engagement is a shared responsibility among families, schools, and communities to build relationships that support a child's learning and growth from birth through college and career. Including building authentic collaborative relationships between parents, family members, and the community for the success of all children.

Self-Reflection on the presented content to discuss with partners/working groups

  • What are some statements made in the videos that stuck with you when thinking about relationships with your students and their families?

  • What visual elements struck you as you learned more about these definitions?

  • How do you build upon collaborating with both your colleagues, students and their families?

  • What struggles have you faced when engaging with families?

  • Is teaching more of a collaborative or cooperative process?

    • With who is it collaborative?

    • With who is it cooperative?

    • Where do immediate, and sometimes extended, family members fit into this dichotomy?

  • Many schools still utilize "Indian" mascots, how might the use of these mascots impact teachers and schoolʻs ability to build partnerships with students and their families?