Shared Expertise

Goal of this section

Educators create an environment that welcomes all students and families, recognizing that the school belongs to them and the community. School faculty, staff, and administration highlight and center community expertise for learning partnerships.

Family Engagement

~10 mins

"One strategy is bringing families in at the onset of decision making, rather than bringing them in at the end and asking for their reaction"

Leadership, Positive Relationships, Empowering Families, Multi Dimensional Communication , Multi-tiered supports, collaborative problem solving, data-based decision-making

Culturally Responsive and
Anti-Racist Teaching

(~14 min video)

As you watch this video take note on:

In this clip are Jess Stella from SOTA and Audrey Wilson from Mason.

Start at minute 17:44 and end on 23:51

Find other talks like this from the
2020 Race Matters Series 


Breaking Barriers to Knowledge Sharing

by Cindy Hubert and Brittany Lopez

(~10 min read)

As you read, think about: