
Goal of this section

Educators serve and care for students, families, and communities by centering their voices, building on their experiences, and understanding their needs and strengths. Educators balance competing interests and mitigate challenges by practicing restorative justice, civil discourse, social-emotional intelligence, self-reflection, and facilitating courageous conversations centering on complex issues of educational justice and systemic inequities.


Review of Social and Emotional Learning Standards

(~2 read)

In reviewing the Washington State SEL Standards one-pager, think about these questions:

Embracing a New Normal: Toward a More Liberatory Approach to Family Engagement

(~10 minutes)

This is a useful resource in its entirety, but direct your attention to pages 11-15 for an important discussion on Family-School Relationships.

Carnegie Report - Family Engagement.pdf

Here is a list of potential questions that you can ask families when engaging in trust-building conversations with families (taken from page 17): 

Doing Life Where You Teach

by Edutopia

(~5 minutes)

In reading this article, consider these questions:

Internal Restorative Justice Practice

by Tacoma Public Schools

(~5 minutes)

Restorative Practices are an approach that helps students and staff to strengthen relationships, build community, and prevent conflict. At the heart of this practice is community circles. 

Clicking the link below, review the Tacoma Public Schools resource on Restorative Practices.

Are you Consciously creating a culture of respect?

(~14min video)

As you watch this video take note on: