CBA 2 Overview

CBA 2 in Visual Art generally occurs during the period between October and Christmas. Students will engage with either one or more themes (provided by the S.E.C.)

During this project, students will be expected to make a Visual Art Sketchbook showing their engagement with the process. The process will generally involve the students:

Mind mapping and exploring their theme(s)

Developing approaches to their theme(s)

Choosing primary sources to work with and bringing them in (shoe boxes are great to hold sources)

Making observational drawings from their primary sources

Studying the work of other artists, designers and crafts people engaging with similar themes or working in similar disciplines as the students

Finding and documenting connections between their work and the researched works

Using the language or visual art to describe and critically analyse their work developing work and that of others

Making analytical drawings and development drawings where they move beyond observation of primary sources to exploring those sources with the view to making finished artefacts. This might involve looking at the source through the lens of on art element (such as colour or line), Looking closely (zooming in), placing the object in different contexts, experimenting with different media, using different lights sources, taking object apart, morphing the object with another object, simplifying the object..

Notes outlining learning during the CBA and reflections on what the student plans to do next.

Following CBA 2, students will reflect on feedback from peers and teacher, decide on the theme that they will explore for the rest of the year and plan towards the creation of two artefacts. Students will engage in more focused research and create more focused drawings and final design proposals in their SEC workbook prior to and during the creation of artefacts.

Here are examples of what the stages look like

Mind maps

Primary Source Drawings

Primary Source observational drawings

analytical/ explorative/ development drawings and investigations

Studying the work of other Artists, designers and craftspeople with reflections on the connection to the students' themes