2019 sculpture with line

I'm glad I chose art in pres bray because I made lots of friends in it and I also like drawing making sculptures painting and using clay. I also really like the teacher Mr Rooney and he gave me lots of help towards my project. Denis Breetveld
The thing I enjoy most in art is watching my project progress as I continue to work and build my technique and through working on certain sections of the project. For example with my wire sculpture project I couldn’t get the hang of tying to pieces of wire together until a bit later in said project. Niklas Malmberg
My favourite thing about art is that while we were making our projects we had lots of freedom and at the end we didn't get a grade but we got a description of our work and what we could improve on. Rory O'Briain
In this project I learned how to express my creativity through wire sculpting. In the process of learning and creating a sculpture out of wires, I learned how to plan out a sculpture, manipulate wires, using different thickness of wires to create strength and detail in the sculpture. In the process of creating the sculpture, I researched about Alexander Calder and Pablo Picasso. I loved the way that Alexander Calder creates and uses simple shapes and the way he maintains a delicate balance in all his sculptures. Daniel Wang
I was surprised in this project with/when it took me a while to figure out what I was going to make, because it took me three tries to end up with my final design. Enda Crowley
I’m glad I chose art in Pres because it’s not how good you are at art, it’s about learning new ways you can approach art. Rob Healy
I’m glad I choose art in pres because I never knew there was a lot more to art then drawing and painting and that you have to learn to measure with your eye rather than a ruler and to draw triangles for our first picture which at the time I thought was very weird. Josh Mahon
Im glad I chose art in pres because I have been interested in art since playschool and every year for Christmas I either got colours or paints. I never knew as much about art than I do. Daniel Jackson
My favourite thing about art is the new way of drawing we learned and the different lines and, not like when we were in primary school. Arpit Sunny
I chose art in pres because it lets you express yourself and not feel judged. I feel that art made me more creative. The art room is also a nice break from the other classes you take as it isn’t as stressful. Although I didn’t find art that interesting at first I find it quite interesting now. We learn so much in the art room from bending wire to copying artists pictures, We’ve learned a lot of life lessons in the art room the biggest one being patience. I would highly recommend art in Pres. Josh Dunford
My favorite thing about art is that it is a very free subject and whatever you make is good in your own way and you also express yourself a lot in this subject. Cian McElroy
The best thing I learned in my wire sculpture projects was how to manage wire and use the different types of wire in a way to emphasise certain areas of my sculpture. Carlos Cincos
My favourite thing about art is using tools. Cameron Baguley
I'm glad I chose art in pres because I have an amazing teacher who has taught me so much about how to achieve my goals in his class. Also I have the opportunity to go to the art room in the morning and at lunch time to work on my pieces and get extra support and guidance. This is a huge benefit in helping me to do well in art as a subject.
i am glad i chose art in pres because it was a whole new experience from primary art. i was challenged by my sculpure by how the man was sitting on chair and the chair on the cliff. Yan ChengSu

my favourite thing about art is that we get to use our imagination and we get to draw and colour and use many kinds of tools and we are able to make sculptures with clay wire and other. Barry Murphy

Projects in focus

Visual art is a process-led subject and it is therefore vital that students undergo a visual journey in order to lead to a final work. In this project students:

  • Mind mapped their theme
  • Selected primary sources
  • Made observational line drawings of primary sources in a variety of media exploring different line types
  • Zoomed in on drawings and merged drawings
  • Studied the work of other artists and discussed the relationship of the work sourced to their own
  • Used the Art Elements and Design Principles to discuss their developing work
  • Made designs for finished sculptures
  • Constructed finished sculptures in line
  • Selected a location for their finished sculpture considering scale and space
  • Made a design plan for placement of finished sculpture
I was challenged in this project because the wire was really tough and often didn’t wrap as firmly as I would have wanted. James Cavanagh
The best thing I learned in my wire sculpture project was how to go about creating the visual art sketch pad. I really liked how you could see my ideas evolving from basic concepts at the beginning of the sketch pad to my final piece at the end. James Kelly.
My favourite thing about art is that I can express my emotion through a thing I love to do.
My favourite thing about art is that it's so relaxing and I can use my imagination to make whatever I want. Adam Hagan