This Week At The Petchey Academy

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope you and your families are keeping well.

Firstly I would like to thank you for the positive engagement with the work that we have been setting for your child. I understand that it can be overwhelming and quite a challenge to persuade young people to continue with their learning from home.

We endeavour to set relevant and interesting work for our students and where possible staff have tried to set work that doesn’t require use of laptops or computers, but unfortunately this is quite tricky.

Please do not feel under any pressure or obligation to push your child to complete all work set, little and often is best.

You should be receiving regular contact from your child’s tutor. Either via email or a call, but please note that to protect the privacy of staff who are using their own mobile phones, the calls will come from ‘withheld’ numbers.

This contact is a supportive mechanism aimed to help your child feel connected to the academy during these challenging times and we appreciate that many of you are finding the time to engage with us in this way.

You will be aware of the Government’s plans to re-open schools after 1st of June. Please be assured that whilst I am very keen to have our children back in our care and being taught, I will only do this when I am completely satisfied that it is safe to do so and that we have the appropriate health and safety guidance, and processes in place.

The safety of my students and my staff remains central to any decision I will take regarding the full opening of the academy.

Have a lovely weekend and I thank you again for your ongoing support.

Kindest Regards

Clare Borrill


VE Day Competition

The winner of the VE Day competition this week was Geveilia Hall 8D1 with a beautiful poem inspired by VE Day (below). The runner up was Calum Dougan 7J2 with a great presentation about VE Day, including an interview with his Nan about her memories of the day.

Our Instagram account was taken over by the PE team this week with some brilliant active challenges, and we have been surprised and delighted by all the stunning artwork that students have been sending to us.

Read the winning poem and see all this week's activity on our Instagram page here.

Looking after your mental health while you have to stay at home

Here are some tips we hope will help you, your friends and your family to look after your mental health at a time when there is much discussion of potential threats to our physical health.

Schools reopening parents' Q&A

Lots of you will have questions about the government's announcement this week. This blog from the Department for Education answers parents queries.

Hackney Family Support Services

The impact of the Covid-19 outbreak has left some families struggling financially. There is a list of family support services available in Hackney on our website, including housing support, benefits & foodbanks.

The Educational Psychology Service can give you advice about:

  • behaviour at home
  • learning at home
  • meeting your child’s special educational needs
  • anxiety, wellbeing and mental health
  • putting routines in place while your child is learning at home
  • explaining the Coronavirus and how to keep safe

Educational Psychology Service Telephone Advice Line

The Educational Psychology Service is offering a telephone advice line for parents and carers.

This is open to all families living in Hackney who would like support and advice. It offers an opportunity to talk about your child/children with an educational psychologist for up to 30 minutes on our phone line.

We can help by talking through your concerns, making suggestions for practical activities, sending resources, signposting to other services, answering questions and generally helping you to think about ways to support your child/children across a wide range of areas.

The service runs from to and to 4.30pm on Wednesdays on 020 8820 5719.