This Week At The Petchey Academy

Dear Parents and Carers,

There's been a real buzz around the academy this week as students in years 7,8 and 9 competed annual Spelling Bee.

Have a lovely weekend.

Jayne Nelson (Marketing & Communications Manager)

Important dates to note:

Tuesday 12th November - Year 7 Subject Parents' Evening, 5-7.30pm

  • parents must book appointments online by 11th

Tuesday 12th November - Internet Safety - "Setting Clear Boundaries”

  • 5.30pm - all parents welcome

Tuesday 3rd December - Year 11 Subject Parents' Evening, 5-7.30pm

Have we got the right contact details for you?

It's a legal requirement that we have at least 2 contact telephone numbers for your child in case we have to contact you in an emergency so please do make sure we always have the right numbers for you.

Likewise, if you change address or email address please be sure to let us know.

Y7 & 8 Girls' Football

A fantastic performance from these girls in their football tournament this week. They faced tough competition vs Clapton Girls and ended up with two games at 1-1.

Women of the match was Kaya Anthony and Kayley Oshenye.

A must for all Y11 students and parents and carers.

Meet staff and students, and find out why so many students decide to stay at Petchey in Y12 & 13.

Parents' Workshop on managing screen time and social media

Tuesday 12th November at 5.30pm.

Another chance to come along to the very successful "Setting Clear Boundaries" workshop.

Growing Minds is a Hackney based support project which aims to address inequality, raise achievement and improve emotional wellbeing of African, Caribbean and mixed heritage families.

Parents are invited to attend one of three taster and enrolment workshops to get the Right Tools for the teenage years Upgrade your knowledge; learn from past participants that now know how to address challenging behaviour in and outside the hope.

Parents and Carers can join one of the 2 hour Taster sessions which take place between Saturday 23 November and Tuesday 26 November 2019.