This Week At The Petchey Academy

Dear Parents and Carers,

All this week in the Principal's Assemblies, Ms Borrill has been talking to students about the importance of getting the basics right and making the right choices. One of the first things students are introduced to at the academy is The Petchey 10. The Petchey 10 outlines some basic standards in terms of what we expect from our students, and applies to staff too. These instructions are simple, easy to understand and displayed in every classroom and in Students' Planners. Most students are so familiar with it they can recite it by heart by Year 8. If we can get these basics right, learning should be much more effective and the school day is much more enjoyable for everyone. As parents and carers your support is invaluable in reinforcing these messages through helping your child to understand the value of being in the right place at the right time, completing their Home Learning and taking pride in their appearance not just at school but on the way to and from school too.

Speaking of travel to and from school, the academy politely requests that parents/carers do not park or stop on the double-yellow or yellow zig-zag lines outside the main entrance to the academy (top of Cecilia Road and also along Shacklewell Green). It is dangerous for students and causes problems and complaints from other road users. Thank you for your help with this. Have a lovely weekend, it's going to be a warm one!

Jayne Nelson (Marketing & Communications manager)

Forthcoming dates:

  • Year 7 Gilwell Park Information Evening - Tuesday 17th September (5-6pm)
  • Petchey Academy Open Evening - Monday 23rd Sept 5.30-8pm
  • Year 7 Gilwell Park trip (Mon 23rd - Weds 25th Sept)
  • Years 8-13 Academic Tutor Parents' Evening - Tuesday 1st October (5-7.30pm)
    • There will also be the opportunity to drop in to meet with Ms Borrill for an informal chat

Please note that Clubs begin on Monday, parents will receive an SMS with the details of your child's confirmed selection.

Record numbers in Year 12

The Sixth Form team are jumping for joy as a record number of students decided to join our Sixth Form this year. Over 3/4 of Y12 students were at Petchey since Year 7, and we are delighted to also welcome the lovely bunch of students who have decided to continue their education at Petchey. Sixth Form students spent a day at Gilwell Park getting to know each other and trying new things as part of their induction this week.

Open Evening Monday 23rd September, 5.30pm

Every year we open our doors to prospective students and parents who are considering joining The Petchey Academy in year 7.

We would very much appreciate your help in making this year as successful as last year by helping to spread the word. Please tell friends and family who might be interested, or you can share the adverts on our social media pages. If you run a local business or are involved in a local community hub such as a church, youth club or college, please ask if you can display one of our posters and email so I can pop them in the post for you.

Tours with Ms Borrill are also available to book on Thursdays at 8.30am, Email to book.