This Week At The Petchey Academy

Dear Parents and Carers,

Despite only having a small number of students in the building, the end of term feels just as busy as ever with planning for reopening in September. We are so looking forward to having students back at school, and I hope that students are looking forward to coming back and life returning to something nearer to normal again. Students will continue to receive a broad and challenging curriculum when they come back in September because we firmly believe in the importance of students being able to experience all subject areas to ensure that every child is able to find something to inspire them. We also understand that some parents/carers will have concerns about the safety of sending their child back to school in September so we will be sharing over the coming weeks full details of the safety measures that we are putting in to place to ensure students and staff are kept safe. Please note that attendance in September is mandatory for all students.

We also know that the pandemic has had a terrible impact on the mental health and wellbeing of adults and children alike, so we are working on a broad range of support mechanisms that we can offer to students when they return to school in September. These measures include reducing Academic Tutor group sizes and giving students more tutor time each morning; mentoring and support sessions with year teams; ASPACE counselling available in school 5 days a week and drop in sessions with Young Hackney to name but a few. We will share more details with you nearer to September, but in the mean time please be reassured that the academy will still be looking out for the interests of our students throughout the summer. If you have any concerns about your child's wellbeing or mental health please don't hesitate to contact the academy by emailing us on and a member of the Safeguarding team will be in touch.

Warm regards

Clare Borrill, Headteacher

Students could win £500

The Jack Petchey Foundation have launched a COVID-19 Youth Survey to find out how the lockdown has affected young people from #London and #Essex and their hopes for the future.

It takes just 10 minutes and you could #win £500!

ENTER here:

A Space tips for students and parents/carers on BOOSTING YOUR MOOD

All of us will have changing moods from time to time; this is a normal part of life and to be expected. Sometimes we might feel that our mood is lower than usual and needs a lift. Sharing our feelings and talking with friends, family, teacher or a school counsellor can be helpful. Sometimes there are things that we can all try, to lift our own mood. These suggestions have been used by others and may be helpful to you too, or you might have other ways of boosting your mood that could work better for you. Talking is always important, but these ideas could make a difference as well.

Why not try the following mood boosters...

Clearing your mind of troubling thoughts:

Talk with a trusted adult This can help to keep worried or anxious thoughts 'right sized.'

Phone a friend Share your feelings and thoughts. Your friend may relate to what you tell them. You might want to ask if they've ever felt as you do. This can help us realise that others can feel just as we do.

Keep a feelings diary Write down all your difficult thoughts and feelings - it can help to get them out on paper. Then add four things you are grateful for. These can be simple such as 'nice weather, having a favourite song, enjoying a meal' and so on. You can even keep two diaries, one for all your unsettling thoughts and feelings and another for recording positive experiences or affirmations.

Read or write positive affirmations every day

Affirmations are positive thoughts and statements that we tell ourselves to raise our self-esteem and boost our confidence. Write your own uplifting statements which confirm how you wish to view the world, yourself or your circumstances. Read them aloud each day. You can also google 'affirmations' and find some on line that appeal to you.

Re-focus your mind by doing one or more of the following:

Make a mood board or collage Collect or make pictures or use photographs you like to remind yourself of good thoughts. If you have access to a computer, you can download images from the internet and make a series of online 'mood boards'.

Make a plan Long or short term – what will you do next week, next year,

in life? Day dream about your ambitions – how will you make life work for you? Remember that having dreams is the first step to achieving them,

Record your strengths We all have them. For example, are you sometimes:

a good listenerable to name your feelings - able to know that feelings change - reflectivewanting to do well - proud of a talent – hopeful for something better – interested in making changes – admiring of a role model - able to know that things can improve – wanting to learn – understanding of another's point of view.

Unsettling thoughts and feelings create stress and tension. Try...

Exercising A short burst of exercise is a good mood booster, so you can try: going for a run - sprint for one minute, walk for one minute indoor fitness – there are plenty of fitness programmes on line

If you have a dog, take it for a walk - this will get you out of doors!

Relaxation Lie down and relax. Imagine yourself somewhere you most like to be, in peaceful surroundings perhaps. Starting with your feet, tense them and hold for a count of 5, while you breathe in slowly and hold your breath. Then breathe out slowly for a count of 5 and relax your muscles. Do the same with your lower legs, then your thighs and then each body part in turn, all the way through your body. You could repeat this until you feel relaxed.

Deep breathing Breathe in deeply through your nose for a count of 5, hold for 5, breath out slowly through your mouth for a count of 7. Repeat

Here are more suggestions ...

Music- Listening to your favourite music can be a great mood booster.

Organise your space - Make your personal space more attractive and comfortable. Try re-arranging things, or even changing colours if you are able.

Tidy, mend or finish something

Do a puzzle

Make a meal, or bake a cake

Write a poem

Draw your ideas

Re-read a favourite book

Find out more about famous people you admire (your role models)

Watch a 'feel good' film

Make a scrap book

Punch a pillow

Take a bath or shower

Set yourself a challenge

Do something you have been putting off! (this usually works)

Notice your surroundings – look closely at green spaces, study a tree as if for the first time - become observant

Start a conversation – what are someone else's thoughts busy with today?

Find a way to feel helpful

Become your own investigator – what lifts your mood, makes you feel good?

What could you add to this list?

Children and Adolescent Mental Health Crisis Line

Need to talk? The crisis line is open 24/7 for young people, families and professionals, where a mental health professional will be available to speak about your concerns.

020 8432 8020

Changes to lunch cost

From September the cost of our school lunch will be going up from £2.20 to £2.30 per day (£11.50 per week). We have worked very hard to keep the cost to families as low as we possibly can, and we continually review this with our suppliers. The academy also subsidises the cost of school lunch for each child, but unfortunately rising food costs mean that we need to increase this from September.

Academic year 2020-21

You can find all of the term dates for the next academic year on our website

Free School Meal Vouchers

Free School Meal Voucher Codes For The Summer Holidays Should Be Delivered To Your Registered E Mail On 20th July. If you are receiving paper vouchers then they should be sent to your home address before the end of term.

School uniform orders

The deadline for ordering school uniform for delivery before the start of the new academic year is 2nd August.

Unfortunately we do anticipate that there may be some stock issues with Petchey blazers and PE tops which may be delayed due to Covid-19 related issues. If this is the case, we will keep you updated via this newsletter and our website. Of course students whose uniform items get delayed will not be penalised for not having the correct uniform at the start of September.