BanWeb Timesheets

This page is only for DREAM Trainees who selected hourly wages as the DREAM Financial Support method. Hourly wages ill cover Immersion and the academic year. 

Induction was covered by a one-time stipend. If you completed the RTI and did not complete induction. You can make up these hours (estimated 69 hours) over Immersion and the academic year for hourly wages. This is optional and not required. 

General Banweb Timesheet Information

In order to receive compensation for DREAM, you MUST report all DREAM Hours (RLC, Workshops, Symposium, onboarding, etc.) via Banweb Timesheets.   Below is general information and some instructional videos to familiarize yourself with the process. It is pretty similar to last summer but the interface looks different. 

Summer Hours & Financial Support 

While on hourly wages, Trainees only get paid for the hours they work. Very different from stipends  

HR Requirements

As student employees you are required to follow the requirements below on on the Human Resources Site


We encourage you to take time off and celebrate the holiday. Trainees are permitted to work on PSU holidays. However, PSU does not pay time and a half.


Sick Leave

As a student employee, you accrue 1 hour of sick time per 30 hours worked. 

Weekly Hour Limits (Summer)

If you are taking more than 6 Credits for the summer term or have another PSU job, you may have a lower weekly hour limit. Please schedule a meeting with Cassandra to go over the details if you haven't already. 

Weekly Hour Limits (Academic Year)

Due Dates and Payment Schedule 

Paycheck processing depends on the timely submission of timesheets. 

August Timesheet

Due Date: 8/15

Reporting Period: 7/11-8/15 

Paycheck Date: 8/31

September Timesheet

Due Date: 9/15

Reporting Period: 8/16-9/15 

Paycheck Date: 9/29

October Timesheet

Due Date: 10/15

Reporting Period: 9/16-10/15 

Paycheck Date: 10/31

November Timesheet

Due Date: 11/15

Reporting Period: 10/16-11/15 

Paycheck Date: 11/30

December Timesheet

Due Date: 12/15

Reporting Period: 11/16-12/15 

Paycheck Date: 12/29

January Timesheet

Due Date: 1/15 

Reporting Period: 12/16-1/15 

Paycheck Date: 1/31

February Timesheet

Due Date: 2/15

Reporting Period: 1/16-2/15 

Paycheck Date: 2/29

March Timesheet

Due Date: 3/15

Reporting Period: 2/16-3/15 

Paycheck Date: 3/29

April Timesheet

Due Date: 4/15 

Reporting Period: 3/16-4/15 

Paycheck Date: 4/30

May Timesheet

Due Date: 5/15

Reporting Period: 4/16-5/15 

Paycheck Date: 5/31

June Timesheet

Due Date: 6/15

Reporting Period: 5/15-6/15 

Paycheck Date: 6/28

July Timesheet

Due Date: 6/30/23

Reporting Period: 6/15-6/30

Paycheck Date: 7/31

Late Timesheets