Summer Programming

CIMR Induction & Immersion 2023

General Info

Dates: Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - Sunday, September 24, 2023.

Workshop Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 am - 12:00 pm. Block this time off on your calendar and adjust your summer plans now.

Research Hours: These 250 hours will be scheduled with your RLC. 

CIMR Summer Research Symposium: Tuesday, September 19 & Thursday, September 21 from 9:30 am - 12:00 pm. EXITO DREAM Trainees will present scientific posters during the symposium. 

Priority: EXITO DREAM's Summer Programming is intended to be your first commitment in the summer. All other activities, classes, part-time work, etc. should be scheduled around EXITO DREAM commitments. DREAM staff is here to help and discuss this with you, just reach out to ASAP. We are happy to help make a plan for conflicts. 

Accommodations: EXITO DREAM is committed to fostering mutual respect and full participation for all students. Our goal is to create a learning environment that is equitable, usable, inclusive, and welcoming. If any aspects of summer programming may result in barriers to your inclusion or learning, please notify us at

Information Breakdown

Kickoff & Onboarding

As EXITO DREAM Trainees, there are some tasks to complete as part of your onboarding to the program. Onboarding workshops are required. 

Onboarding Dates & Times

Tuesday, July 11, 9:30am - 3:00pm 

Thursday, July 13, 9:30am - 12:00pm


Cramer Hall 352 

1721 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97201

Zoom Link:

If you don’t have a PSU ID, please try to pick it up before Immersion. For access issues day of please call 503-725-7840.

Summer RLC Hours

Trainees are required to complete 250 RLC hours in the summer. 


You will create your schedule with your Research Mentor. 

Summer RLC Hours count as early as 7/11/2023, though we strongly encourage you to wait to begin RLC hours until after onboarding is complete on 7/13/2023.

Summer RLC hours count through 9/24/2023.


The majority of research should be in person at your RLC

Induction & Immersion Workshops

Workshops will provide essential supplemental research training that will aid a smooth entry into your RLC. Workshops are led by Dr. Shandee Dixon and Dr. Nadine Sterling.

Workshop Dates & Times:

Tuesdays & Thursdays, July 25 - September 14 

9:30 am - 12:00 pm

Zoom Link Pending 


Induction: 7/18-8/1: Cramer Hall 352 - Zoom Link Pending

Immersion: Cramer Hall 401 - Zoom Link Pending

Annual Summer Research Symposium 

EXITO DREAM and other CIMR Trainees will present their research. Preparations for this will occur in the workshops. 

Symposium Dates & Times:

Tuesday, September 19 & Thursday, September 21

9:30am - 12:00pm


Karl Miller Center's 1st Floor Atrium - In Person at PSU


Between July 11 and September 24, you are required to complete the following program activities:

Summer Conflicts

Summer workshops and research hours are integral to your time with us. As such, Trainees must inform us of any conflicts (including needing to attend remotely). There are two types of conflicts - breakdown below 

Examples of conflicts: class conflict with workshop times, other summer programs, work, family commitments, emergencies, vacations, etc. 

Don’t forget after summer classes, Induction & Immersion should be the top priority for Trainees. You must inform your RLC of any time off or waived hours. 

Conflicts where hours CAN be made up

Action: Let us know by completing the attendance form. This can be done for one or multiple sessions at one time. Please complete it before or soon after the missed session. 

Make-up instructions on 7/11 

Conflicts where you CAN'T make up (maybe)

Action: Request a waiver on the hours that can’t be made up. This includes workshops and RLC hours. 

If approved, you will not be required to complete the waived hours (although you can opt in to complete them if plans change and you want/can complete them).

Financial Support 


Summer Induction & Immersion workshops will be hosted in person. In person attendance is required.

Workshop Dates & Times

Tuesdays & Thursdays, July 21 - September 14, 2023, 9:30am - 12:00pm (Pacific time)

Online Platform

All Summer Induction & Immersion workshop content (syllabus, handouts, videos, etc.) will be located on Canvas. 

Details will be shared when they are available. 

Workshop Attendance

Attendance at all workshops is mandatory. All absences must be approved by emailing Dr. Dixon ( You may not miss more than two sessions. If more than two absences occur, you must submit a petition for an exception to the summer requirements see the requirement section of this page for more info). You can make up missed sessions with equivalent workshop work. You'll receive credit for attendance upon completion of the work.