Academic Year Programming

This page houses the information you need to be successful during the academic year as an EXITO DREAM Trainee. If you have questions after reading the material below, email

Fall 2023, Winter 2024, & Spring 2024

General Program Requirements 

Program Elements & Requirements

Program elements are the supports and benefits offered by the program. These elements are important to your research pathway. Some program elements have program requirements. 

Fall 2023, Winter 2024, & Spring 2024

RLC Hours

Research experience in a Research Learning Community at PSU/OHSU.

Requirement: Trainees are required to complete 100 hours in their RLC each term. 

See more information on the RLC page (coming soon)

Monthly Program Meetings & Enrichment

We may have monthly program meetings and other enrichment activities, which are a chance to meet with faculty and staff. The programming is designed to train, coach, and provide time together as a program. 

Requirement: Attend or make up sessions. 

More information coming soon.


Our Advisor, Carlos Quatela, can offer academic, program, personal, and career advising. 

Requirement: Meet with the CIMR Advisor once a term. 

Email/Scheduling Link

Career Mentoring

Career Mentors are available to discuss a wide range of topics (career advising, academic skills, advising on graduate programs, and more!). Career mentors can help you pursue your training goals. 

Requirements: Meet with your Career Mentor once per term.


Paperwork is important to the administration of the program and our ability to offer this opportunity in future years. 

Requirement: Completing and submitting monthly timekeeping paperwork and quarterly progress reports. Complete all other required paperwork as directed by program staff. More info coming soon!